Conference of August 1, 1834

Case of the Hulet Branch continues. Roxa Slade testifies that Brother Brown told her he and many other previous Methodists; the church was being chastened because the leadership spoke against the Methodists; and if the brethren did not show greater charity toward the Methodists, the scourge would continue; and if she did not, she would suffer the buffetings of Satan. Sylvester Hulet says Brother Brown suggested he ought to be ordained a high priest and censures the brethren (for denying Hulet the license). Brother Brown is given time to repent and surrenders his elder and high priest licenses.

Spelling of names has been standardized.

Date   August 1, 1834   Far West Record, 85–88.
Location   Clay county (though not expressly stated)    
Officiating   David Whitmer and W. W. Phelps, moderators
John Whitmer, clerk
Roxa Slade testimony

Roxa Slade testifies that two or three weeks ago as I was in at Alanson Clevelands, Br. Brown was there, and was talking about sanctification and that there were many sanctified among the sects especially among the Methodists; but this being a greater light, if they did not give heed to it they would fall under condemnation;


I then said if there was any person sanctified I should like to see one. He said supposing I should bring myself as a sample.—Have you ever seen anything in me out of the way.—I said no. I said I had belonged to the Methodists once & that I never received but a small spark of the Spirit among them.


He said he believed it,—and said I dont think you have as yet received but a very little of the Spirit.—but I have received three or four great sparks among the Methodists. And you are teaching the same doctrine that the heads of this Church do.—


And one great reason that we are so chastened, is, that the heads have so little charity for the Methodists.—And unless they repent the scourge will remain upon them. And if you continue in the way you are now in, very soon you will loose all the spirit or it will withdraw from you,—and you shall be buffetted by satan, and you may go and ponder on these things and see if I have not authority to say these things

    Roxa's testimony is confirmed by Alanson Cleveland.    
Caleb Baldwin testimony   Caleb Baldwin testifies that Brother Brown said missionaries should not preach that the world in darkness, for they were not. He said he could not preach against the Methodists.    
    Caleb Baldwin Jr. and Nancy Baldwin confirm Caleb Sr.'s testimony.    
Sylvester Hulet testimony  

Sylvester Hulet that He and br. Brown {met} went together to br. Tub's—and on the way there, Br. Brown took his lisence out of his pocket and showed it to me and asked me how I would like to have such paper—to which I answered that I had made application to the Council for an ordination some time since and was rejected.—He seemed to talk to me in such a manner that understood him to sensure the heads of this Church in some things.

    Zebedee Coltrin and Simeon Carter speak for the Church, Amasa Lyman and Parley P. Pratt for Brother Brown.   It seems to be a matter of policy not to take minutes on the debate.

History of Amasa Lyman
    Adjourn for half an hour.  
Decision: time to repent   When the council reconvenes, David Whitmer opens with prayer, then renders the decision that "according to the testimony and the voice of the Holy Spirit which is in us," God grants Brother Brown time to repent. If he confesses in the proper spirit, he may retain his standing as "a private member in this Church—otherwise we have no fellowship for you."    
Sylvester Hulet ordination void   The ordination of Sylvester Hulet is "illegal," therefore "void and good for nothing."    
  The high council sanctions the decision unanimously.    
Samuel Brown confesses, surrenders licenses   Brother Brown confesses the charges and surrenders his licenses of elder and high priest. Elder's license issued by Phineas Young in Pittsburgh, February 21, 1833; high priest license by Luke S. Johnson, Cincinnatti, June 15, 1833.   History of Luke S. Johnson
  At this point, Leonard Rich replaces Parley P. Pratt, who has to leave.    
    Orson Pratt is voted unanimously to be clerk.   History of Orson Pratt
Charge against Hulet branch   Nathan West submits a charge against the Hulet branch concerning gifts. It is considered and laid over for the next session.    
  Requests of Peter Whitmer Jr. and Elisha H. Groves are also laid over.    