Conference of October 11, 1831
David Whitmer, Reynolds Cahoon, and four others to be named, are appointed to visit the branches and raise funds so that Joseph and Sidney can complete the revision of the Bible.
Date   October 11, 1831   Far West Record, 16–17.
Location   Hiram, Portage county, Ohio    
Elders present    

Joseph Smith Jr.
Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
John Whitmer

Peter Whitmer Jr.
Reynolds Cahoon
W. W. Phelps
Luke Johnson
Presiding   Moderator not stated
John Whitmer, clerk
Joseph: tomorrow, how to conduct meetings   Joseph says the Elders are to wait until tomorrow and attend another meeting so they "might understand the ancient manner of conducting meetings as they were led by the Holy Ghost Also said that this was not perfectly known by many of the Elders of this Church."   term: branches
W. W. Phelps   W. W. Phelps delivers an exhortation.    
Fund-raising elders for Joseph and Sidney   Oliver moves that the conference consider appointing six elders to visit the branches of the church, set them in order, and inform them of "the situation of brs Joseph Smith Jr and Sidney Rigdon And accordingly brs David Whitmer and Reynolds Cahoon were {chosen} appointed, the other four remain to be chosen hereafter."   situation: financial needs

four: Simeon Carter, Orson Hyde, Hyrum Smith, Emer Harris
General conference set   Conference votes that the general conference be held on October 25 at Sirenes Burnett's house in Orange, Cuyahoga county, Ohio.    
David Whitmer and Reynolds Cahoon ordained   David and Reynolds are "ordained to their office or appointment and br Stephen Burnett an Elder under the hands of John Whitmer."   term: ordain
Close   Prayer by Joseph Smith Jr    