Minutes of September 6, 1831
Ezra Booth is silenced.
Date   September 6, 1831   FWR, 11–12.
Location   Nelson, Portage county, Ohio    
Description   … a Conference …    
Moderator   Not named.    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Elders present  

Joseph Smith Jr.
Oliver Cowdery
Christian Whitmer
Sidney Rigdon
Sylvester Parker (denied the faith)

  (denied the faith) added later, probably by Andrew Jenson.
Ezra Booth silenced   Upon testimony satisfactory to this conference it was voted that Ezra Booth be silenced from preaching as an Elder in this Church.   Six days later, Ezra renounces Mormonism in first of nine letters to be published in the Ohio Star. Ezra Booth Letters (1).