Minutes of July 25, 1836
Work and emergency aid is needed for 200 destitute families just entering the state. Thomas B. Marsh and Elisha H. Groves are to scour five states for funds. John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps, Edward Partridge, Isaac Morley, and John Corrill are to find suitable land to settle.
Date   July 25, 1836   FWR, 104–105.
Location   Clay county, Missouri, W. W. Phelps home  
Description   A general assembly met …    
Clerk   Peter Dustin  
Present   High council of Zion; Bishop Partridge and his counselors; Isaac Morley and John Corrill; "Elders and multitude."  
Open   Sing "The Spirit of God," prayer by President John Whitmer  
100 families at Crooked River   A hundred emigrating families are said to be at Crooked River in lower Ray county, living in wagons and tents. They are in danger of mob violence and sickness. Many are destitute, unable to purchase provisions or land.  
100 more on the road   Another hundred families are said to be on the road between the Crooked River encampment and the Mississippi river, also destitute.  
Have funds in East, but inflated prices in Missouri   Members of both companies say they have funds in the East, which, it is believed, will be sent to them eventually, but prices are high. Flour is $3 per cwt. and pork to 12.5¢ per pound.  
Find work, collect donations   The high council "and Bishop and Elders and multitude" resolve to try to find work for the emigrants. Thomas B. Marsh (h) and Elisha H. Groves are authorized to so inform them and "to loan and collect money among the Churches in Mo., Illinois Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, and put the same into the hands of the Zion Presidency, for the upbuilding and benefit of 'Poor Bleeding Zion.'"    
Presidency and bishop's council to find land to settle   W. W. Phelps, John Whitmer, Edward Partridge, Isaac Morley, and John Corrill are "to search out land for the Church to settle upon &c."   William and John proceed without consulting the bishop or his counselors. Minutes of April 3, 1837
Close   Conference closed with appropriate benedictions.