Minutes of April 4, 1834
George F. James explains he couldn't fill mission because he lacked the funds, denies he missed meetings or spoke lightly of a brother. Council is satisfied.
Date   April 4, 1834   Kirtland high council, 48.
Location   Kirtland, Joseph's house  
Description   This evening a council of High Priests assembled …  
Presiding   Joseph Smith Jr.    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery   Original: Cowdry
Revisit George F. James case   The council reconsiders the case of George F. James.    
George explains why he didn't go n mission   George says he has "often promised to take up his cross & magnify his calling, but had failed." He admits he should have written Joseph earlier and informed him that "pecuniary affairs" called him home, so he couldn't fulfill his promise to go out and proclaim the gospel.    
Apologizes   He "sincerely asked pardon of the Lord and of his brethren," especially Joseph, and is willing to ask for forgiveness from the church.    
Attended meetings, did not speak lightly of brethren   As for charges that he had not attended meetings and had "treated lightly some of the weak &c.," he says that he generally attended meetings and denies "speaking or treating lightly any brother because of his weakness." He never did such things "nor could ever find such principles in his bosome."    
Joseph: no hard feelings   Joseph says he has "no hardness, he only wished bro. George to consider this as a chastisement." The council was duty-bound to notice his previous conduct, but if is willing to "walk according to the new covenant, he should have his hand of fellowship."    
Council satisfied   Council express satisfaction with "bro. George's" confession.    