Council of June 6, 1833

In Kirtland, the construction committee of the House of the Lord are directed to begin immediately. Two are ordained high priests to make twelve so the re-hearing of Doctor Hurlbut's excommunication can be heard. He is found guilty but restored due to his "liberal confession." Daniel Copley is excommunicated for refusing to fulfill a mission assigned by the council of the High Priesthood.

Spelling of names has been standardized.

Date   June 6, 1833   Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no. 2 (February 4, 1845), 785.
Location   Kirtland, school room.  
Description   "A conference of high priests … called to counsel the [building] committee"    
Presidents present   Joseph Smith    
Clerk   Orson Hyde (h)    
Orson Hyde clerk to presidency   Orson Hyde is chosen to be "a clerk to the presidency of the high priesthood."    
Construction of the House of the Lord to begin immediately   The construction committee of Reynolds Cahoon, Jared Carter, and Hyrum Smith, are directed to "proceed immediately to commence building the house; or, to obtaining materials, stone, brick, lumber, &c, for the same."
Doctor Hurlbut appeal   Doctor Hurlbut appeals the decision of the bishop's council of high priests while he was absent, to the president's council of high priests for a re-hearing. Granted.  

Council of June 1 or 3, 1833

term: bishop's council of high priests

"As soon as this Council had made this decision upon Hurlburt, Joseph arose, and said to the Council, he is not honest, and what he has promised he will not fulfil; what he has confessed are not the thoughts and intents of his heart, and time will prove it. Hurlburt stated to the Branch in Thompson, Ohio, that he had deceived Joseph Smith's God or the spirit by which he is actuated, I have proved that Council has no wisdom, I told them I was sorry I confessed and they believed it to be an honest confession, I deceived the whole of them and made them restore me to the Church." George A. Smith, November 15, 1864, JD 11:8. (George A. was fifteen on June 6, 1833 and probably not present.)

Two ordained to make 12   After prayer, Sidney ordains John and William Smith high priests in order to "make out the number, (12) that the council, or church court, might be organised."  
Guilty, but confession merits restoration   Testimony is given by Orson Hyde and Hyrum Smith. Doctor is found guilty and deserves to be cut off, but due to his "liberal confession," he is restored.  