Minutes of June 23, 1838
Thomas B. Marsh to own the print shop. Require invoices from agents in Kirtland before filling orders from the First Presidency. Give David W. Patten the acre where he lives. Sell the Musick house for Joseph. Committee to work with owners of public houses to assure order.
Date   June 23, 1838   FWR, 189 –190.
Location   Far West  
Description   The High Council of Zion met …    
Presiding   Thomas B. Marsh (h) and David W. Patten (h)    
Clerk   Ebenezer Robinson  
High Council   Simeon Carter
Jared Carter
Thomas Grover
John P. Green
Levi Jackman
Sampson Avard
John Greg
Thomas Guyman
Reynolds Cahoon
George W. Harris
[?] Chase
Sylvester Hulett
  Arranged in order of numbers drawn.
Open   Singing by Thomas B. Marsh  
Resolutions   After lengthy discussion, the council decides:  
Print shop   Thomas B. Marsh (h) owns the print shop.  
Require invoices   Do not pay orders from Joseph, Sidney, and Hyrum until their agents (Newel K. Whitney, Oliver Granger, William Marks) provide an invoice. Clerk to notify the agents in writing.  
David W. Patten lot   Authorize Bishop Partridge to give President David W. Patten the acre where he lives without charge.  
Musick house   Bishop Partridge to sell the Musick house for Joseph.  
Public houses   Appoint Benjamin Benson and Daniel Shearer to work with owners of public houses, John Burke, Adam Lightner, and Joseph Smith Jr., so that thir houses are orderly, with no drinking, swearing, gambling, or debauchery.   ¶ Minutes of June 28, 1838
Print shop funding   Encourage Thomas B. Marsh sell his some of his land holdings to raise money for the print shop.  