Minutes of July 7, 1838
Ordinations (mostly seventies), a confession, and a talk by Sidney. Interesting that Joseph, though present, does not speak during the entire conference. On July 8, however, he receives, D&C 117–120 and Revelation of July 8, 1838.
Date   July 7, 1838   FWR, 201.
Location   Far West  
Description   The Conference convened agreeable to adjournment…    
Open   Prayer by Sidney Rigdon    
Ordinations   Members of "the Camp" receive their blessings and are ordained seventies:   Zion's Camp, 1834
Seventies   Horace Evans
Chandler Holbrook
Jackson Smith
Joseph Holbrook
James R. Ivie
James Dunn
Justus Morse
Thomas Turner
Lewis Sabriskie
John C. Annis
Alanson Ripley
John Fawsett
Ebenezer Miller
Horace Cowan
Other ordinations   Conference votes on other ordination recommends:  
  William Martin, rejected
Johnathan T. Packer, teacher, approved
Pleasant Ewell and Uziel Corey, deacon, approved
Confession fails   George Walters gives a confession, "but did not give satisfaction."   ¶ Minutes of July 6, 1838a
Sidney's remarks   Remarks by Sidney Rigdon,    
Adjourn   Conference adjourns until first Friday of October.    