Minutes of March 15, 1838

Joseph refers to a July 1834 meeting when David was ordained to be a leader or prophet to the church if Joseph "did not live to God himself." John Corrill makes a satisfactory confession.

Date   March 15, 1838   Far West Record, 151–152.
Location   Far West  
Description   The High Council of Zion, together with the Bishoprick met …    
Presiding   President Joseph Smith jr took the charge of the Council.    
Clerk   Ebenezer Robinson    

Simeon Carter
Brigham Young
Levi Jackman
Stephen Winchester
George M. Hinkle
Elias Higbee

No 1
No 3
No 5
No 7
No 9
No 11
Jared Carter
Thomas Grover
Thomas Gates
Moses Martin
George W. Harris
John Murdock
No 2
No 4
No 6
No 8
No 10
No 12
Open   Sing "This earth was once a garden place &c."
Prayer by Joseph Smith Jr.
Reads mintues   Clerk reads "minutes of some previous Councils"   Reads minutes (unusual)
  Vote to nullify item 6 of February 24, 1838 council meeting, and substitute a new "article" in its place.   The new article is not stated.
Joseph ordained David successor  

President Joseph Smith jr gave a history of the ordination of David Whitmer, which took place in July 1834, to be a leader, or a prophet to this Church, which (ordination) was on condition that he (J. Smith jr) did not live to God himself.

  ¶ Minutes of July 7, 1834

¶ Wilford Woodruff (h2)
    Joseph approves proceedings of former meetings.    
    Adjourn for an hour.    
Meet with bishopric   [7 p.m.] Council and Bishoprick convened … and was organized, Joseph Smith jr president.    
Open   Prayer by John Murdock.    
John Corrill confession   John Corrill makes a confession:    
    but not to the satisfaction of the Council after which Thomas B. Marsh (h) made a few remarks followed by George M. Hinkle and others, when Br Corrill made perfect satisfaction.    
    Adjourn to tomorrow at 1 p.m.  
    Benediction by Joseph Smith jr.  