Conference of September 24, 1834

Kirtland high council drops Sylvester Smith and replaces him with Hyrum Smith. Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, and Frederick are to create a Book of Covenants and the proceeds of the book sales will be theirs. Bishop Whitney is free to manage his store as he sees fit.

Date September 24, 1834 HC 2:165–166.
Location Kirtland
Officials Joseph Smith Jr., presiding, assisted by Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams, counselors.
Oliver Cowdery and Orson Hyde, clerks
Open After prayer, Joseph makes some remarks.
Sylvester Smith case Discussion on whether "under existing circumstances," Sylvester Smith "can fill the office of High Councilor. "
Samuel H. Smith and Orson Johnson, Luke Johnson and Orson Hyde are chosen to speak on the case.
Sylvester speaks after them, followed by the "assistant-presidents."
Dropped from council

Retains office of high priest and preaching privileges
The president renders the decision that Sylvester should no longer serve as a high counselor, but he may retain "the office of High Priest, and continue to lift up his voice in the name of Jesus in preaching the Gospel—to which the council assented, and Brother Sylvester gave his assent with thankfulness."
Hyrum replaces Sylvester Joseph nominates Hyrum to fill Sylvester's place. The clerk seconds the motion and all agree.  
Joseph ordains and blesses Hyrum Joseph prays, then ordains Hyrum "to the office of High Councilor" and blesses him in the name of the Lord. Father Smith then blesses Hyrum, confirming the blessings pronounced by Joseph.
Substitute counselors Elders John P. Greene and Brigham Young are appointed as substitute counselors for Jared Carter and Martin Harris.
Committee to arrange doctrinal items A commitee is appointed "to arrange the items of the doctrine of Jesus Christ … from the Bible, Book of Mormon, and the revelations which have been given to the Church up to this date, or that shall be given until such arrangements are made [for publication].
Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, Frederick Samuel H. Smith nominates Joseph, Oliver, Sidney, and Frederick. Seconded by Hyrum. Vote in the affirmative "by the whole conference."
Proceeds of Book of Covenants Council decides that the committee should "the avails" of the Book of Covenants when it is published.
Ordination of high priests Council decides to notify "the churches and conferences abroad that High Priests be ordained hereafter, in the High Council at Kirtland, and receive licence signed by the clerk of the council."
Bishop Whitney's store Council decides that considering Bishop Whitney's "embarrassed circumstances," he should be allowed "to make such arrangements with his store as he shall deem most advisable."  
Close By prayer.  