Minutes of February 24, 1834
Lyman Wight and Parley P. Pratt report the state of the church in Zion, "the substance of which, as, an inquiry when, how and by what means Zion was to be redeemed from our enemies." They are comfortable in Clay county but want to return to Jackson. Joseph announces he will go to help redeem Zion and calls for volunteers. Thirty or forty respond. Joseph is elected "Commander in Chief of the Armies of Israel."
Date   February 24, 1834   Kirtland council , 41–42.
Location   Kirtland, Joseph's house  
Description   This evening a council of High Priests assembled …  
Presiding   Joseph Smith Jr.    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Open   Joseph opens with prayer  
Substitute counselors   Hyrum is chosen to act for John Smith (absent), John Green substitutes for Joseph Coe (absent).  
Counselors to speak   Six counselors are appointed to speak (not named).  
Lyman and Parley: When return to Jackson?   Lyman Wight (h) (swh) and Parley P. Pratt report the state of the church in Zion, "the substance of which, as, an inquiry when, how and by what means Zion was to be redeemed from our enemies."  
Clay county citizens hire Mormons   [The Saints] had found so much favour in the eyes of the people that they could obtain food and rainment of them [mostly the people of Clay county] for their labour insomuch that they were comfortable.  
Want to return   But being driven from Zion "pained their very souls." They want to "return with songs of everlasting joy as said Isaiah, the Prophet."  
Only McLellin sold out   None have sold their lands "into the hands of our enemies" in Jackson but William E. McLellin (h) , who sold one thirty-acre and would have sold another seven if a brother had not intervened and bought it himself.  
Joseph will go to redeem Zion   Joseph rises and declares he will go to Zion to assist in redeeming it—and calls on the council to "sanction his going," which passes unanimously.   What does the council's approval mean?
Volunteers   Then he asks who else will go, and thirty or forty of those present volunteer.  
Go by land   After a brief discussion of whether to go by land or water, it is decided to go by land.   Travel by water is discouraged, if not prohibited, in D&C 61 (August [11 or 12], 1831). Also see ¶ Ezra Booth Letters (7).
Commander in Chief   Joseph is unanimously elected "Commander in Chief of the Armies of Israel" and leader of volunteers who go to redeem Zion.  
Close   Council then adjourned by prayer and thanksgiving.  