Minutes of January 20, 1838
Two apostles, seven high counselors, and probably others, discuss the three presidents of Zion and Oliver Cowdery and appoint a committee to visit them. John Corrill, not listed as present, is to help write a petition. It seems likely that Corrill and perhaps others are present but not listed because they are not members of the high council.
Date   January 20, 1838   FWR, 135
Location   Far West  
Description   … a social meeting held at the house of Thos B. Marsh.    
Clerk   Not named.  
Apostles present   Thomas B. Marsh (h)
David W. Patten (h)
High counselors present   John Murdock
Simeon Carter
Elias Higbee
George M. Hinkle
Thomas Grover
Levi Jackman
George Morey
Discuss the three presidents of Zion and Oliver Cowdery   [Brethren discuss activities of] the Presidents in this place viz David Whitmer W. W. Phelps John Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery and we being grieved at their doings after {varie} various discussions appointed a committee to visit them and enquire into their feelings and determinations.  
Committee   The committee consists of George M. Hinkle, Thomas Grover, and George Morey.  
Petition court to change town plot   Thomas B. Marsh and John Corrill are to draft a petition to the court to alter the Far West town plot.  
  Adjourned meeting till the 26th inst. at 10 o'clock A. M.  

Minutes of January 26, 1838
