Council of October 3, 1835
John and Dean Gould are accused of criticizing the presidency. They acknowledge their errors and are forgiven.
Date October 3, 1835
Location Kirtland
Description … a High Council met …
Presiding Presiding Presidents, H. Smith & D. Whitmer. Other instances where members of the First Presidency attend but do not preside: September 28, 1835
Clerk John Whitmer
Present Sidney Rigdon
John Smith
William Smith
John Johnson
J. Carter
R. Orton
Noah Packard
Joseph Smith Jr.
Joseph Smith Sr.
Samuel H. Smith
Luke Johnson
O. Johnson
John Gould (1808-1851) is born in Ontario, baptized in June 1833. helps Joseph raise volunteers for Zion’s Camp, 1834. Mission to New York, 1834–1835. One of the First Seven Presidents of Seventy, April 6, 1837 to September 3, 1837 (ordained a high priest). Dies at Cooley’s Mill, Iowa.

Dean Gould, John's son, goes with Zion's Camp, is baptized when they arrive in Missouri.
Open Opened as usual by Prayer.
Joseph charges Goulds Josephs prefers charges against John Gould for  
Expressing dissatisfaction with the presidency, threatening elders making expressions which is calculated to do injury to the great cause which we have expoused and manifesting a very strong dissatisfaction against the teachings of the Presidency of the church. Also Dean Gould for using wrong expressions and threat[e]ning the Elders of the Church.   John is charged with "giving credence to false and slanderous reports instigated to Injure bro Sidney Rigdon also Dean Gould for thretnigng bro Sidney Rigdon and others." Joseph Smith "Ohio Journal, 1835–1836 in Papers 2:46.
Settle differences Both sides talk matters over and "all difference of feelings was allayed and the wound was healed."  
Settle with Sidney Dean Gould is charged with speaking "unadvisedly " against Sidney. Dean acknowledges "his wrongs," and is forgiven.  