Mormon History 1830-1844

Minutes of December 19, 1838
High council in Far West votes to ordain John E. Page and John Taylor apostles. Brigham and Heber ordain them. Edward Partridge, John Taylor, and a third member they choose are to draft a petition to the federal government.
Date   December 19, 1838   FWR, 223–224.
Location   Far West, Missouri.    
Description   The High Council of Zion met …    
Presiding   President Brigham Young    
Clerk   Ebenezer Robinson    
Present     Ebenezer Robinson
Thomas Grover
Theodore Turley
John Badger
Harlow Redfield
David Dort
No 1
No 3
No 5
No 7
No 9
No 11
Jared Carter
Reynolds Cahoon
Solomon Hancock
John Murdock
George W. Harris
Samuel Bent
No 2
No 4
No 6
No 8
No 10
No 12
Open   Prayer by Brigham Young    
Harlow Redfield   Harlow Redfield: faith as good as ever, but disagrees with actions of the brethren in Daviess county.    
Apostles   Council votes to ordain John E. Page (h) and John Taylor apostles to fill vacancies in the quorum. Both are ordained by Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball (h).    
Petition   Council votes to petition federal government [for redress]. Edward Partridge and John Taylor to chose a third person and draft the petition as a committee.    
Adjourn   Adjourns to next Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.    
March 17, 1839
October 6, 1838
Far West Minutes
Missouri 1838

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