Mormon History 1830-1844

Missouri 1838
1838 Chronology  
Far West Minutes  
Thomas B. Marsh and Orson Hyde 1838 Affadavits Thomas B. Marsh, President of the Quorum of the Twelve, having fled the violence in Daviess and Caldwell counties, testifies October 24, 1838 in Richmond that a company of Mormons under Apostle David Patten had burned Gallatin, that Danites planned to burn Buncombe and perhaps Liberty and Richmond; that Joseph believes his prophecies are superior to the laws of the land, and so forth. Orson Hyde knows most of Marsh's statements to be true, believes the rest.
Thomas B. Marsh to Joseph Smith, February 1838 Ouster of Presidents David and John Whitmer, and W. W. Phelps. People support the move, want to live the law of consecration. Joseph and Sidney needed in Zion. Critics stop when Joseph is present. Signed statements attesting Oliver admitted Joseph did not say he was guilty of the crime he is charged with (Fanny Alger affair).
Missouri Persecutions (1838)  
  Hyrum Smith 1843 Affidavit (1) Account of 1838 Missouri persecutions.


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