Minutes of September 16, 1835
David Whitmer and Samuel H. Smith are named agents for the Literary Firm. Harvey Green is excommunicated for the "hienous crime" of standing up for an elderly brother Joseph and Hyrum had rebuked.

At church services on Sunday, September 13, Joseph had passed around a record book he had just purchased for $12. An elderly Brother Aldrich complained about the price. Joseph and Hyrum rebuked him harshly. The next day, his neighbor, Henry Green stood up for Brother Aldrich, saying that if anyone treated him that way, "he should call him a scoundrel, and that he should say that any man who should talk as Joseph did must have the Devil in him." (On Joseph's anger, see ¶ Ezra Booth Letters (7).)
Date September 16, 1835 KCMB; also HC 2:274–276.
Location Kirtland

[Two meetings:]
The Presidency of the Church assembled …
Minutes of a High Council …

Clerk None mentioned for the presidency meeting, Sylvester Smith for the high council.
Presidency meeting The presidency of the church appoints David Whitmer and Samuel H. Smith as a committee and general agents for the Literary Firm.
Presiding   Sidney Rigdon    
High council meeting


Sidney, Oliver, and Frederick, presidency.
Samuel H. Smith
John Johnson
Orson Johnson
W. W. Phelps
Newel Knight
John Whitmer
Levi Jackman
Joseph Smith
Joseph Coe
Hyrum Smith
David Whitmer
Giles Cook, counselors.

Open "Council set in order and opened by prayer by the presidency."
Joseph's complaint Joseph submits a complaint against Henry Green for "accusing President Joseph Smith Junr. of rebuking Brother Aldridge wrongfully & under the influence of an evil spirit."   I have found no other mention of Henry Green, nor can I identify Brother Aldridge.
Complaintant absent Henry Greene is absent, so Sidney reports the presidency has decided that the council should proceed anyway, "because brother Green had been regularly summoned by himself."  

Sylvester Smith

Henry defends Brother Aldridge, Joseph and Hyrum abused the old man.
One counselor speaks on each side. Then Sylvester Smith testifies that last Monday, Henry said that "brother Aldridge was justified in what he said, and that President Joseph & Hiram Smith were wrong in abusing the old man, and after Elder Smith explained the matter to him, said that if any man should do so to him, he should call him a scoundrel, and that he should say that any man who should talk as Joseph did must have the Devil in him.  
Lorin Babbitt agrees

Devil was in Joseph and Hyrum

Lorin Babbitt testifies that he heard much of this conversation and agrees with Sylvester's account. But before that he heard Henry say that though Joseph and Hyrum accused Brother Aldridge of having an evil spirit, "if the truth was known the Devil was in them. (Viz.) Presidents Joseph & Hyrum. for if any man should ask my opinion and then abuse me in this way, I should call him a scoundrel or a knave."

  I cannot identify Lorin Babbitt.
Oliver: Aldridge was not asked for his opinion Oliver says that Brother Aldridge "was not called upon to give his opinion concerning the Book but said what he did without being called upon to speak, for the book was only handed to him and others to look at, that they might see its quality and goodness."  
Joseph: Aldridge influenced by an evil spirit Joseph says that Brother Aldridge had been "under the influence of an evil spirit …for a long time."  
Orson Johnson: Aldridge neglects prayer and family worship Orson Johnson says that by what he has seen and heard, this is true. He has heard "from credible authority that the old man had been in the habit for a long time of neglecting prayer & family worship."  
Samuel H: Joseph was right, duty to reprove error "Counsellor Samuel" talks about "the Doctrine of Christ and the duty of the Servants of God in preaching the gospel & building upon the church of Christ, to reprove error and wickedness whenever they should see them, especially in the church, and that President Smith was in the lines of his duty when he reproved bro. Aldridge for his evil and consequently brother Green must have been wrong in opposing him and saying that he acted like a scoundrel and that the Devil was in him."  
Levi Jackman Levi Jackman: "… brother Green could not be justified in opposing the servant of the Lord while in the actual discharge of his duty, and that it is evident that Satan hath sought to make divisions in the church and hath taken the advantage of the occasion of presenting the Book to do this."  
Frederick: Henry wicked to condemn Joseph, Aldridge foolish and wrong to challenged church leaders for buying the book. Frederick G. Williams says he feels "disposed to exercise all the charity for brethren that he could," but is not willing "to justify wickedness nor cover or hide iniquity in the church but rather to expose it and rebuke it, that it may be brought to light." Henry's wickedness was manifest when he criticized President Smith. Brother Aldridge was foolish and influenced by a wrong spirit when he questioned the integrity of church leaders for purchasing the book. President Smith is justified, and Henry is wrong to criticize him.  
Oliver: Satan behind this criticism Oliver shows "by a few very plain remarks," how Satan has tried from the beginning to destroy the Book of Mormon, "and in order to do this, had been continually leveling his shafts against the Servants of God who were called to bring it forth, and bear testimony of it to the world. And now hath sought occasion against the Servants in tempting brethren to say they had [e]quivocated in the price of the record book, which was presented last sabbath and that brother Aldridge & perhaps others fell under this evil influence & brother Green justifies them in this thing & condemns President Smith and is not and ought not to be justified in so doing."  
$12 record book Furthermore, it was purchased as cheaply as possible and is worth the $12 paid.  
Henry Green declines invitation to attend Reynolds Cahoon asks permission to interrupt President Cowdery to inform the council that Brother Green had just passed the house and when told the council was considering his case and invited in, he said he had other business that required his attention and went on his way.  
Oliver: Henry's bad spirit, disrespect   Oliver shows "that the design of brother Aldridge or a least of the Spirit that was in him, was to destroy the character of the heads of the church, & showed that we intended to speculate out of the brethren & extort from them more than the cost of the Book. And now instead of regarding our feelings, he disregards us alltogether, and shows that he has not faith in the high council."    
Henry arrives   Soon Henry Green arrives and explains he has been in Chagrin on business and was detained longer than he expedted. He had to deliver a horse and harness to the owner before he could come to the council meeting.    
Sidney: wrong priority   Sidney declares that no other business should have interfered with this meeting, but at least he could have requested a postponement.    
Oliver: enough said   Oliver says he thinks enough has been said about the case and will say no more.    
Sidney's decision

Green should have gone to Joseph privately

Aldridge neglects prayers, fell into evil, and objected to the price of the book
  Sidney decides that if Brother Green was offended by President Smith, he should have gone to him privately "and not have said anything about it to hi neighbor." It has been shown that Mr. Aldridge "has been guilty of neglecting his prayers before God, & therefore, has not had the spirit of God, to preserve him from the temptation of Satan, & has fallen into evil, and actually did wrong in raising objections to the price of the book, presented last sabbath, and was under the influence of an evil spirit."    
Green fellowships the same evil spirit

Joseph justified, duty-bound to rebuke spirit
Brother Green "fellowships" the same evil spirit and supports Brother Aldridge. "Therefore it is evident that an evil spirit is reigning in the breast of brother Green." President Smith was justified in rebuking that spirit. In fact, it was his duty as "President and first high Priest in the Church of Christ appointed of God to lead the same into all righteousness."    
Decision: excommunication

Must be baptized to return
The decision of the presidency of the high council is that Brother Green be "excluded from this church, and shall be a member no more until he come in by the ordinance of baptism as appointed by the Gospel, to be done in the church."  
Council agrees except Joseph Coe: give Green a chance to confess All agree but Joseph Coe, who asks whether Mr. Green should not have an opportunity to confess his faults and save his membership. He suggests a rehearing.  
Rehearing almost granted

Joseph: presidency of the high council can cut off for heinous crimes
  "This was about to be granted, and the council to be adjourned till tomorrow but Counsellor Coe requested some explanation from the President, and was instructed as follows. When a hienous crime is committed & indignatly offered to the high council then it is the privilege of the Presidency of the High council to stamp it with indignation under foot & cut off the offender as in the case just decided."    
All submit   "Counsellor Coe, then withdrew his objection to the decision of the Presidency, which was acknowledged by the whole house."    
Close   Prayer by Oliver Cowdery.    