Minutes of August 7, 1834  
Counsel from the presidents of the high council, missionaries paired up, license taken from one "not capable," High Priesthood ordinations, license for the presidents to present to the council in Kirtland.
Date   August 7, 1834   Far West Record, 93–95.
Location   Clay county    
Presiding   David Whitmer    
Clerk   Orson Pratt (h1)    
Open   Opened, prayer as usual.    
W. W. Phelps   W. W. Phelps: ordained members should walk uprightly.    
David Whitmer   David Whitmer: missionaries should "walk before the world in wisdom and in righteousness in all things &c."    
John Whitmer   John Whitmer: those who go to preach must be diligent and faithful:    
Moderators license preachers   so that those who are set as Moderators can license them without scrupulous conciences to be worthy and capable to fill their trust &c, that when they returned their Journals may recommend them to the Bishop, &c."    
Missionaries   Those who are "united in the ministry as coupled by this Council:"    
  Daniel Stanton and Elias Eams
Hazen Aldrich and Willard Snow
Amasa Lyman (h) and Horace Cowan
Solomon Humphrey and Solomon Wixon
Zebedee Coltrin and Nathan West
Jesse Hitchcock and John Killian
  David W. Patten (h), George M. Hinkle, Elisha H. Groves, Charles Patten to choose partners for themselves.    
License taken for incapacity   David Whitmer: William Botson "is not capable to fill his office of Eldership in this Church because he has not understanding adiscretion sufficient to act wisely in that capacity." Botson consents and council takes his license.    
Second session   Convene, then prayer.    
W. W. Phelps   W. W. Phelps: those going forth must "use all wisdom and observe manners among the people," etc.    
Ordinations   Orson Pratt ordains Elias Higbee, Isaac Higbee, Jesse Hitchcock "to the Highpriestood according to the voice of a council held in Jackson County, or Zion Sept. 26, 1833." Also William Legg as a priest.    
Recommend for three presidents   Council votes to give "the three presidents … a recommend to the council in Kirtland."    
Adjourn   Adjourn to August 21, 1834.   Minutes of August 21, 1834
Closing   Prayer by "David Whitmer President, or as usual."    