Minutes of November 15, 1836
John Whitmer and William W. Phelps, assistant presidents of the church in Zion, appoint a building committee for a house of the Lord in Far West. President David Whitmer was in Kirtland.
High council and the presidents   The high council of Zion was organized on July 3, 1834 with a president, two assistant presidents, and twelve counselors. But there was not consensus on the authority of the presidents. The council understood the three presidents were presidents of the council, but the presidents understood their authority went beyond the council, as W. W. Phelps wrote in a letter to "Mother and Sisters" on July 20, 1835:   ¶ Minutes of April 3, 1837

W. W. Phelps: presidents regulate   The three Presidents of Zion act for her good whether in Zion, Kirtland, or England and have a right to spirit in regulating the affairs of her stakes. Therefore, when any one attempts to meddle with her affairs, they will be held to an account before God.   Letter excerpts in New Mormon Studies.
Council: no   On April 3, 1837, the high council challenges the right of the presidents to appoint a committee without consulting the council.   Minutes of July 3, 1834
Date   November 15, 1836  

[SHOWREF=fwr], 102.

Location   The "city at Shoal Creek"  
Description   … a meeting of the presidents … being duly organized …    
Presidents   John Whitmer, W. W. Phelps    
Clerk   John Corrill    
Construction committee  

At a meeting of the presidents, in the City at Shoal Creek: being duly organized proceeded to do business. Selected and appointed Jacob Whitmer, Elisha H. Groves, and George M. Hinkle for a building committee to assist the Presidency to build the house of the Lord in said City.


Meeting closed as usual.