Minutes of November 12–13, 1831  
Oliver, John, and the sacred writings they are to take to Zion are dedicated to the Lord. Joseph requests compensation for himself, Oliver, and Martin for their work on the writings. Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Sidney Rigdon are to "manage" the sacred writings. The families of Joseph, Hyrum, William, and Don Carlos Smith, the Whitmers, and Hiram Page are worthy of inheritances in Zion.
Minutes of the conference do not mention a revelation. However, the meeting provides context for D&C 70.
Date   November 12–13, 1831   Far West Record, 31–32.
Location   Hiram, Portage county, Ohio  
Description   "… a special conference … "    
Moderator   William E. McLellin (appointed)    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Open   Prayer by William E. McLellin    
Present   Joseph Smith Jr.
Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
John Whitmer
William E. McLellin (h)
Peter Whitmer Jr.
Sidney Rigdon
Reynolds Cahoon
Luke Johnson
Joseph: dedicate revelations and carriers to the Lord
  Joseph: would like Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer and "the sacred writings" they are to take to Zion be "dedicated to the Lord by the prayer of faith."    
Joseph: compensation for revelations   Joseph: It is the "mind of the Spirit," which is the "Spirit of truth," that Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and himself be compensated for their labors on the sacred writings.    
Joseph dedicates   Conference vote: Joseph to dedicate and consecrate the brethren and "sacred writings & all they have entrusted to their care, to the Lord; done accordingly."    
Joseph, Oliver, John, Sidney to manage revelations   Conference vote: After "Deliberate consideration" of the book of revelations, "being the foundation of the Church & the salvation of the world & the Keys of the mysteries of the Kingdom & the riches of Eternity to the Church," conference votes that Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Sidney Rigdon are to "manage them according to the Laws of the Church & the Commandments of the Lord."   The Literary Firm met on April 30, 1832 to specify responsibilities.

In D&C 70:3 Martin Harris and William W. Phelps are added to this list of managers as "stewards over the revelations and commandments."
Smiths, Whitmers, Hiram Page worthy of inheritances in Zion   Also recommend to the bishop that the families of Joseph, Hyrum, William, and Don Carlos Smith; Peter, Peter Jr., Christian, David, and Jacob Whitmer; and Hiram Page are worthy of inheritances in Zion.  
Close   Prayer by John Whitmer.    