Minutes of January 13, 1836
"Grand council" meets. Vinson Knight is ordained to the High Priesthood and counselor to Bishop Newel K. Whitney §. Five others are ordained high priests and members of the high council to replace those appointed to other positions §. Rules for the house of the Lord when it is being used for worship §.
Date January 13, 1836   FWR, 9 –10.
Location [Kirtland]  
Presiding   Joseph Smith Jr.    
Description The grand council met …   term: grand council
Presiding Not named.  
Clerk Orson Hyde  
Presidents present Joseph Smith Jr.
Joseph Smith Sr.
Sidney Rigdon
Hyrum Smith
David Whitmer
John Whitmer
W. W. Phelps
Also present Twelve Apostles
High council of Zion
Part of the high council of Kirtland
Bishop of Zion and counselors
Bishop of Kirtland and one counselor
Open Prayer by Joseph Smith Sr.  
Vinson Knight Newel K. Whitney, bishop of Kirtland, nominates Vinson Knight as a counselor "to fill the vacancy in his court occasioned by the elevation of Hyrum Smith to the presidency." Seconded, unanimous approval.  

Amen loudly
Newel ordains Vinson to the High Priesthood and a counselor. "After which all the congregation said amen with a loud voice."  
Sing a hymn, adjourn for an hour.  
Second session Purpose to fill vacancies in high council.  
Current counselors John Smith
John Johnson
Orson Johson
Martin Harris
Samuel H. Smith
Jared Carter
Joseph Coe
Counselors called to other positions Joseph Smith Sr.
Hyrum Smith
Orson Hyde (h)
Luke Johnson
Oliver Cowdery
Replacement counselor s

J. P. Green replaces Oliver Cowdery
Thomas Grover replaces Luke Johnson.
Noah Packard replaces Hyrum Smith
Joseph Kingsbury replaces Orson Hyde.
Samuel James replaces Joseph Smith Sr.

  In each case the process is to move, second and vote. The first three votes are explicitly unanimous. The last three are "carried."
Ordain   Sidney and Hyrum ordain the replacements high priests and counselors.    
Substitutes   Alvah Beeman and Isaac McWithy are appointed substitute counselors in the place of John Murdock and Solomon Hancock, absent.    
  Other unanimous votes:    
Door keeper in the house of the Lord   Thomas Carrico appointed door keeper in the house of the Lord.    
Rules for house of the Lord during worship   Joseph, Sidney, Hyrum, W. W. Phelps, and David Whitmer are appointed a committee to "draft a code of rules or laws for the regulation of the house of the Lord in times of worship."    
No whispering   No whispering shall be allowed in the council nor any loud talking by any one except when called upon or when he asks the privelege of so doing.    
Building the kingdom   Sidney speaks on building the kingdom of God.    
Close   Sidney closes with prayer. Adjourn to Friday the 13th, meeting to be held in the stone building.    