Council of September 29, 1835
An elder successfully appeals his case from an elders' court in Zion. Phineas Young is cleared of any wrong doing with respect to copies of the Book of Mormon entrusted to him, and Lorenzo Young keeps his license by apologizing for saying that the poor ought not have children, that sex is nevertheless permitted, and that he did not intend to have any more children.
Date September 29, 1835 KCMB
Location Kirtland
Description "High Council met to-day …"

Joseph Smith "Ohio Journal, 1835–1836 in Papers 2:44.

Of this council, Joseph's journal (kept by Oliver Cowdery) says, "In all these [cases] I acted on the part of the defence for the accused to plead for mercy. The Lord blessed my soul, and the council was greatly blessed, also. Much good will no doubt, result from our labors during thye two days in which we were occupied on the business of the Church." Op. cit., 44–45.

Presiding Not indicated.
Clerk Warren Parrish
Open Prayer.
Allen Avery appeal

Allen Avery appeals his case from an elders' court in Zion which took his license "for rebelling against their decision." He comes forward "& frankly & readily complied with the requisitions of the council to the entire satisfaction of all & the court decided that he be restored to full fellowship." I don't know of any elders' records for Zion.

term: elders' court
Phineas Young acquitted Z. S. Cole accuses Phineas H. Young of "uncristian like conduct," apparently for improper record keeping of Books of Mormon entrusted to him on a mission to Wisconsin. Phineas satisfies the council and his license is returned.   Phineas Young (1799–1879), older brother of Brigham. Baptized 1832, worked in the Kirtland printing office, 1847 pioneer, bishop of Salt Lake 2nd Ward, 1864–1871.
Lorenzo Young charged W. W. Phelps prefers a charge against Lorenzo Young.   Lorenzo Dow Young (1807–1895), younger brother of Brigham. Baptized 1832, Zion's Camp, 1847 pioneer, bishop of Salt Lake 18th Ward, 1851–1878, ordained patriarch 1877.
Said poor ought not to have children, sex is okay nevertheless. Oliver: heard Lorenzo declare, in Joseph's home, that "poor men ought not to raise up seed or children," and that "he believed it was right to have sexual intercourse notwithstanding." The accused then arose and made an humble acknowledgement to the satisfaction of the Presidency & counsellors who retian him in full fellowhip as an Elder in the church of the Latter Day Saints. Council adjourned  
No more children Joseph: "corroborates the above testimony, also that he did not intend to have any more children."   Meaning is probably that Joseph heard Lorenzo say that he (Lorenzo) did not plan more.
Counselors speak on both sides, Lorenzo makes "an humble acknowledgement to the satisfaction of the Presidency & counselors."  
He is allowed to keep his "fellowship as an Elder."  