Minutes of August 11, 1834
Sylvester Smith's accusations of "criminal conduct" by Joseph during Zion's Camp are investigated. Joseph is exonerated., Sylvester's confession is to be published and the branches notified.
Date   August 11, 1834   Kirtland council , 52–55.
Location   Kirtland school house  
Description   … a number of high priests and elders of the church of the Latter-day Saints assembled …  
Presiding   [Joseph Smith Jr.], then Newel K. Whitney (moderator)    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Purpose   Investigate statements of Sylvester Smith accusing Joseph with "criminal conduct during his journey to and from Missouri this spring & summer."    
Joseph: Sylvester's jealousy   Joseph speaks at "considerable length" on the trip to and from Missouri, "very minutely" laying out the "jealousies of brother Sylvester and others had grown."  
Explains rebukes, distribution of money   Explains "his rebukes and chastisements" of Sylvester and others and the distribution of funds "and other properties." He calls on others who went "to attest the same. All of which was satisfactory to the brethren present as appeared by their own remarks afterwards."  
Sylvester: difficulties, partial confession   Sylvester comments on "their difficulties" and begins a "partial confession," asking forgiveness for publicly accusing Joseph, "on the Saturday previous, of prophesying lies in the name of the Lord, and for abusing (as he had said) his (Sylvester's) character, before the brethren while journeying to the west."   ¶ Heber's Accounts of Zion's Camp (1)
Sidney reproves Sylvester   Sidney reproves Sylvester's conduct.  
Others speak   John P. Greene and others speak, then Oliver.   Original: Green throughout
Organize council   On Sidney's motion, "the assembly arranged itself into a council" with Newel K. Whitney presiding.  


Public confession

  [53] John Smith: "the way to heal the wound" would be for Sylvester to confess in The Evening and the Morning Star. Reynolds Cahoon concurs.  
Quash it   Isaac Hill: "it ought to be quashed here, and go no farther." Elder I. Bishop concurs.  
Confess publicly, write others   Samuel H. Smith: Sylvester should confess publicly and send a written notice of his decision to those likewise involved. Then, "if necessary," publish it in the Star.  
Publish it   Orson Hyde (h): the confession should be "as liberal as the accusation, or that it ought to be written and published."  
For the sake of the branches   John P. Greene: if Sylvester could see the matter "in its proper light," he would make a public confession publicize it "for the salvation of the churches abroad."    
  Isaac Story: "the plaster ought to be as large as the wound that a proper statement ought to be published abroad."  
Notify branches also   Oliver Cowdery: the council should send a notice to the "churches abroad" that:  
Joseph cleared   the conduct of brother Joseph has been investigated, and that he has acted in a proper manner and in every respect has conducted himself to the satisfaction of the church in Kirtland.    
    Sylvester should also make a proper confession.    
    Amasa Lyman (h), Peter Shirts, Truman Wait, Roswell Evans, Alpheus Cutler, and Thomas Burdick agree.    
Sidney: Sylvester's reputation   Sidney talks about "the attitude in which Sylvester now standsbefore the world, in endeavoring to preach the gospel."  
Question called   [54] Orson Hyde moves the question, "What is to be done to arrest the evil?"  
  Newel, "the moderator," makes a few comments, then announces his decision:  
Decision: Joseph vindicted   that an article be published in the Evening & the morning Star, by the direction of the Council, that the church in Kirtland has investigated the conduct of brother Joseph Smith Junr., while journeying to the West and returning, and that we find that he has acted in every respect in an honorable and proper Manner with all monies and other properties entrusted to his charge.    
  A vote is taken "and carried."    
Committee   Orson Hyde moves, and Sidney seconds, that a committee be appointed to write the article for the Star. Oliver Cowdery, Thomas Burdick and Orson Hyde are appointed.    
Sylvester will confess   Sylvester says he is willing to have his confession published in the Star.    
Write three brethren   John P. Green moves, and "the Moderator" seconds, that the committee write in the name of the council to Z. Snow, C. Snelling & J. P. Parker.   Results not mentioned.
Close   Prayer by Sidney Rigdon.    