Minutes of, March 28, 1835

The Twelve meet to confess their faults, ask forgiveness from the Lord and First Presidency, and ask the Prophet for a revelation to comfort and inspire them on their mission. Addressed to President J. Smith Junr.

Original text is one paragraph.

Date March 28, 1835, afternoon KCMB
Location Kirtland
Officials Orson Hyde and William E. McLellin (h), clerks
Twelve recognize faults

Ask forgiveness
The Twelve meet in the afternoon for "a time of general confession." They review their "past course" and confess that they have not "realized the importance of our calling … we have been light-minded and vain, and in many things have done wrong." They ask their Heavenly Father and the Presidency to forgive them.
Soon leaving on mission

Soon they will be leaving and don't know when they will meet again.

The Twelve left on their first mission, to the East, on May 4.
¶ Heber C. Kimball (h3)
Ask for revelation

we therefore feel to ask of him whom we have acknowledged to be our Prophet and Seer, that he inquire of God for us, and obtain a revelation, (if consistent) that we may look upon it when we are separated, that our hearts may be comforted.


Our worthiness has not inspired us to make this request, but our unworthiness.

Revelation to enlarge hearts, comfort, give hope

We have unitedly asked God our heavenly Father to grant unto us through His Seer, a revelation of His mind and will concerning our duty the coming season, even a great revelation, that will enlarge our hearts, comfort us in adversity, and brighten our hopes amidst the powers of darkness.
