Minutes of August 1, 1837

Two high counselors and one bishop's counselor are replaced (precedent). Actions taken while authorities were in Kirtland are nullified (precedent). Presidents of high priests and elders must be ordained by a higher authority. Quorum presidents may ordain their counselors. Bishop takes charge of the Lesser Priesthood (precedent). Quorums to choose their presidents (precedent).

Date   August 1, 1837   FWR, 116–117.
Location   Far West    
Description   … a general meeting of the Presidency, High Council, Bishop and Council & multitude …    
Presidents present   David Whitmer, John Whitmer, and W. W. Phelps    
Clerk   John Corrill    
High council in order of numbers drawn for this meeting   Simeon Carter
Elisha H. Groves
Thomas Grover
Calvin Beebe
Solomon Hancock
Levi Jackman
George Morley
Newel Knight
George M. Hinkle
Lyman Wight (h) (swh)
Elias Higbee
John Murdock
Open   Prayer by David Whitmer "as usual and gave the counsellors charge in an appropriate manner, also all the authorities."    
High council chooses members   High council votes to replace Jesse Hitchcock with Thomas Grover, and Peter Whitmer jr. (deceased) with George Morey.    
Replace John Corrill   Vote to replace John Corrill with Titus Billings as bishop's counselor.   John had been named keeper of the Lord's storehouse. Minutes of May 22, 1837
Nullify acts of Elders while authorities were in Kirtland   [Vote] … unanimously by the authorities present & the audience—that in the absence of the presidents, Counsillors, Bishop and Counsillors, were at Kirtland the Elders had no authority consequently their acts in that space of time are considered null and void.  
Presidents ordain counselors, Bishop takes Lesser Priesthood   [Resolve:] … every President of High Priests and Elders be ordained by some higher authority, and he the president of any quorum when Counsellors are needed may ordain his Counsellors himself and the Bishop shall take charge of the Lesser Priesthood.   term: lesser priesthood
Quorums choose presidents   High priests and elders to meet on the 15th to "choose their respective Presidents."  
  Adjourn to 10 o'clock next Saturday.  
Close   Dismissed as usual by D. Whitmer.    