Minutes of April 14, 1838
An elder with independent views of Word of Wisdom, authority of the high council regarding revelations, errs in spirit, but does not merit punishment.
Date   April 14 1838   FWR, 179–181.
Location   [Far West]  
Description   The High Council of Zion met agreeable to adjournment …   Minutes of April 13, 1838
Presiding   Joseph Smith Jr., Thomas B. Marsh, Brigham Young    
Clerk   Ebenezer Robinson    
Present   Simeon Carter
Jared Carter
Thomas Grover
Isaac Higbee
Levi Jackman
Solomon Hancock
George Morey
Newel Knight
George M. Hinkle
George W. Harris
Elias Higbee
John Murdock
  Arranged in order of numbers drawn.
Open   Prayer by John Murdock    
Appeal   Truman Wait appeals Elders quorum decision of March 27, reiterating his charges against Nathan West:    
Nathan West does not believe in boycott   A spirit of dissension, in that he declared publickly that he did not believe in the vote of the General Assembly, last Nov. 7th, "not to support stores and shops selling spiritous liquors, tea, cofee, and tobacco." …    
Or that Word of Wisdom effects salvation   And also, … Teaching incorrect doctrine in that he said the word of wisdom did not concern our Spiritual Salvation.    
Counselors assigned to speak   George Morey is assigned to speak for the Church, Newel Knight for the defendant.    
  Nathan West acknowledges "part of the first charge."    
Nathan won't accept high council decision that does not concur with D&C.   Darwin Chase testifies he heard Nathan say "that he would not believe the decision of the High Council if it did not coincide with the Book of Covenants."   The 1835 D&C consisted of two parts: Theology [Lectures on Faith], and Covenants and Commandments of the Lord [the sections now known as the Doctrine and Covenants].
Did not vote for boycott   He also heard him say that he did not vote for the boycott of stores that sold liquor, tea, coffee, and tobacco:  
Those who did should keep covenant   because he had already made as many covenants as he kept &c but if any persons had made any such covenants, he would say to them "for God's sake to keep them."    
  William Hulet testifies he heard Nathan say:    
High council must prove him wrong about revelations   that if he had his mind made up on {any} a certain item of Revelation and the High Council should decide contrary his mind upon that item, he would not believe the decision except they would bring proof to substantiate it.    
Joseph the prophet   Also that he never heard Nathan say anything against Joseph, but did hear him say that "he considered him the Prophet as much as ever."    
  Council adjourns for an hour.    
Second session   Council convenes.    
Nathan voted for W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer   Silas Maynard heard Nathan say last winter that "he did not acquiece in the proceedings of the High Council and Church in cutting off W. W. Phelps & John Whitmer from the Presidents office." Thomas Grover testifies that at general conference, Nathan voted for their continuation in office.    
Nathan admits error   Nathan admits that at the time he thought the action was "too hasty and did not coincide" with the council's action, but now sees it differently and does coincide.    
Does not consider Wor of Wisdom a commandment   Elder Wait: In a conference of elders, Nathan said "he did not consider the word of Wisdom given by Commandment or Constraint."    
Decision: erred in spirit, but nothing serious   After remarks from the counselors, defendant, and accusor, the President (Joseph) decides that "Br. West had erred in spirit, therefore, feel to admonish him, but do not find anything in him worthy of death or bonds."   Joseph's humor?
Adjourn   Adjourn to next Saturday at 9 a.m.    
Close   Prayer by George W. Harris    