Minutes of November 10, 1837
Priesthood in Far West votes to double the size of the city. Those who lay off the city to be compensated in land. The rest of the land to be consecrated to the public good.
Date   November 10, 1837   FWR, 125–126.
Location   Far West  
Description   … a general meeting of the ordained members of the Church of Latter Day Saints in this place …    
President   [Sidney Rigdon]    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery  
Open   Prayer by Thomas B. Marsh (h)    
Kirtland's appeal for funds   Sidney Rigdon reads the memorial of the bishop of Kirtland and his counselors to the churches abroad dated September 18, 1837.   Kirtland Bishop Newel K. Whitney, Reynolds Cahoon, and Vinson Knight appealed for donations, HC 2:515–518.
City planning, remuneration   Sidney presents the topic of the day, "laying off cities, of consecrating for public purposes, and for remunerating those who appoint and lay them off, &c."
Consecrate land for public benefit   Brethren vote to pay [in land] those who lay off city plots hereafter. The rest of the land is to be consecrated for "the public benefit of the church."    
Elders' Journal   Sidney reads the prospectus of the Elders' Journal and the brethren vote to do all they can to support it.  
Enlarge Far West   Vote to enlarge Far West to four sections (2 square miles).   This doubles the size of Far West.
Committee to buy land   Elect Bishop Partridge and counselors a committee to appraise the land adjacent to the current town plat and purchase it if the present owners will accept their offer.  
23 volunteer missionaries   Twenty-three respond to call for missionaries (not named).  
Ordinations   Sylvester H. Earl, Henry Jackson, Harrison Sagers, and John W. Clark are ordained elders; William J. Lemans, a priest.  
Close   Sidney closes meeting with prayer.  