Conference of October 10, 1831

Dispute over land, house between Joseph Smith Sr., Ezra Thayer, Frederick G. Williams.

Date   October 10, 1831   Far West Record, 15–16.
Location   Kirtland, Geauga county, Ohio  
Officiating   Moderator not mentioned
Clerk, Orson Hyde
Present   Elders Present      
Oliver Cowdery
Samuel H. Smith
Martin Harris
Sidney Rigdon
William W. Phelps
Burr Riggs
Orson Hyde
Joseph Smith Jr.
Frederick G. Williams
  Joseph Smith, Ezra Thayer, and Frederick are "implicated" in "a difficulty." Oliver is sent to bring Ezra.   Smith: Joseph Smith Sr. (see revelation)
Open   Sidney prays, addresses the Elders "in the name of the Lord."    
Discussion   All parties present their cases, then withdraw while the conference considers the case.    
Ezra to remain in house   Decision: Ezra Thayer's family to remain where they are until spring.    
Church provide house for Frederick   The church is to provide "a comfortable dwelling" for the Frederick G. Williams family.    
Joseph to manage   Joseph is to "see to the management of the farm & to the distribution of its productions as the Lord's agent according to the commandment of [16] the Lord."   Revelation of May 1831
W. W. Phelps to reprove Joseph Sr, Ezra Thayer   W. W. Phelps assigned to reprove "Brs Smith and Thayer" for their "unwise course" in front of the conference. Thayer to be "sharply rebuked for the disrespect with which he has treated this conference."    
Newell K. Whitney to present Williams case   The "agent of the church" is to present the Williams family case to the church and see that they get a comfortable dwelling.   agent of the church: Newell K. Whitney
Close   Prayer by William W. Phelps    

Conference of October 11, 1831
