Minutes of August 6, 1834  
Charge to peace missionaries. More on Hulet Branch's gift of tongues and seeing. Members believe Joseph's teachings are subject to ratification by their gifts. Expect persecution by brethren in Clay county. Branch members deceived. Amasa Lyman and Simeon Carter assigned to labor with them. Twenty-one volunteer for missions.
Date   August 6, 1834   Far West Record, 88–93.
Location   [Clay county]    
Description   Convened according to adjournment.    
Moderators   [David Whitmer, W. W. Phelps]    
Clerk   [John Whitmer]    
Open   "Open in prayer as usual."    
Substitutes   Substitute high council members: Leonard Rich for Parley P. Pratt, Amasa Lyman (h) for William E. McLellin (h).    
Recommends for peace missionaries   W. W. Phelps reads letter of recommendation for the four brethren assigned at the last council.   Simeon Carter, John Corrill, Parley and Orson Pratt. ¶ Minutes of July 31, 1834
Charge to peace missionaries   David Whitmer addresses the four brethren "to visit the Churches, as follows: saying"  

you are not sent to preach the gospel to the world for the world will not hear it in this place But to instruct the disciples in things pertaining to their everlasting happiness as well as temporal peace & prosperity &c.

Hulet branch accused   Nathan West [89] charge against Hulet Branch is read, accusing the members of imbibing in "certain principles concerning the gifts that are thought not to be correct by the greater part of the rest of the Church, which principles seem to have a tendency to cause a split and disunion in the Church."    

High councilors Amasa Lyman (h) and Calvin Beebe, and Levi Jackman and Solomon Hancock are assigned sides.


Charles English testifies that:

Gift of tongues central  

the Hulet branch believed that they received the word of the Lord by the gift of tongues and would not proceed to their temporal business without receiving the word of the Lord. Sylvester [Hulet] and Sally Crandle interpreted.

Even Joseph's teachings subject to  

Said that they would not receive the teachings of ordained members even br. Joseph Smith jr. unless it agreed with their gifts.

Expected persecution by brethren  

Said they received the word of the Lord while they were in Jackson County; that they were to be persecuted by their brethren in Clay County and now it had come—also said that the heads of the Church would have to come down and receive the gifts as they did—

Willing to be persuaded  

Said that they the said branch had come up to their privileges more than the rest of the Church. They thought they were right but if they {were wrong} could be convinced that they were wrong, they would retract—

Sally knows hearts  

Sister Crandle professed to know and see men's hearts.

Sally knows hearts   [90] Philo Dibble testifies that Sister Crandle saw that the hearts of King Follett and Hiram were not right. Supports Charles English's testimony, "said branch the same things that sister Sally Crandle does. Also saw my heart and said he had a gift of knowledge."    

Hiram Page testifies:

  "The notes here are in abbreviated form and unclear." Far West Record, 93n4.
Prophecy through tongues  

Lyman Leonard said if it was necessary to lay aside the gifts for a season they would receive a knowledge of it through the gifts. The Church said that there was a prophecy delivered through the gifts while in Jackson County that they were to come over into Clay Co. and there be persecuted by their brethren & said the prophecy must be fulfilled, and carried the idea as though it was now fulfilling.

    Hiram Page.    
Nathan West testimony   Nathan West concurs with "the foregoing testimonies." Sally Crandle saw his heart was "full of eyes." Said others' hearts had eyes too, some few, some many.    
Sally the seer

  Daniel Stanton testifies that Sally Crandle said she saw two books in his heart, and a Nephite standing behind him to push him into his duty.    
  Sylvester Hulet spoke in tongues and Sally interpreted as follows:    
Warns of prying   Verily, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you little band ye must beware for there are many who are seeking to pry into your privileges.    

Prophecy fails
  Absalom Scritch testifies that last spring in Jackson county the branch said in tongues that they would be safe from the mob that night, but by morning Lyman Leonard and Josiah Sumner had been whipped. They also saw three young women in Absalom's heart.    
Sally the seer   [91] Brother Batson acknowledges that he and Sally Crandle saw three young women in his heart. He asked Sally to "look and see" if his wife was "in the faith." She saw her "afar off." Knows that Sally's gift of seeing is of the devil.    
Alpheus Gifford   Alpheus Gifford "testifies, to many things which had been given in by other witnesses."    
    Adjourn for 45 minutes.    
    Reconvene with prayer.    
Directions to high council speakers   President David Whitmer directs the councilors to speak "according to truth and equity" rather than trying to "excell." They should "chase away darkness … [and] bring hidden things to light."    
John Whitmer tries to wake up the high council    John Whitmer says the Lord told him and David that the high priests and elders were    

enveloped in a great degree with that darkness which is spread over all the inhabitants of the earth and that you have lost in part that light which you have once had, and it becomes necessary that your brethren arise and shake themselves from this lethargy for God is not well pleased with this negligence and slothfulness, while in Council.

    High councilors [Amasa Lyman (h) and Calvin Beebe, and Levi Jackman and Solomon Hancock] speak for the two sides "according to constitution" [D&C 102].    
    W. W. Phelps comments on the "pattern given respecting spirits in all cases under the whole heavens."   D&C 50 (May 9, 1831) addresses the subject of false spirits.
Branch deceived   The president says the Hulet branch has used the gift of tongues improperly. Members were deceived by the devil. The gift of seeing as held by the branch is also of the devil, "saith the Lord God."    
    High council sanctions the decision unanimously.    
    President David Whitmer assigns Amasa Lyman (h) and Simeon Carter to labor with Sally Crandle, Sylvester Hulet, and others to "set forth these things in their proper light."    
    Council concurs.    
Recommend to Kirtland   W. W. Phelps reads Peter Whitmer Jr.'s request for a recommend to go to Kirtland (required for those moving to a new branch). Granted.    
Volunteer misisonaries   David Whitmer calls for "voluntiers to go and [preach] the gospel of peace" and the following respond:    
High Priests   Daniel Stanton
Zebedee Coltrin
Amasa Lyman (h)
George M. Hinckle
Alpheus Gifford
Hazen Aldrich
Elders   Elias Eams
L. Barns
Morris Phelps
Solomon Humphrey
Jesse Hitchcock
L. Robinson
Nathan West
Elisha H. Groves
Solomon Wixon
Isaac Follis
Willard Snow
Isaac Higbee
Henry Shibley
John Killian
William Batson
Adjourn   Adourn to 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.   Minutes of August 7, 1834