Minutes of April 8, 1838
Joseph speaks on the Kirtland Bank, Brigham on his mission east, Charles C. Rich on the high priests, seventies and elders by their quorum presidents, and Joseph explains why the Word of Wisdom was given and urges members to follow it. Edward Partridge gives a financial report. Unfortunately, no details on any of this. First Presidency will sign licenses from now on.
Date April 8, 1838 [SHOWREF=fwr], 161–162.
Location Far West
Description Conclusion of first quarterly conference in Far West.
President Joseph Smith Jr.
Clerk Ebenezer Robinson
Open Singing, prayer by President Brigham Young.
Joseph Joseph makes a few remarks on the Kirtland Bank.
Brigham Brigham reports his mission to Massachusetts and New York.  
Charles C. Rich Charles C. Rich, president of the high priests in Zion, reports "the principal part" of the quorum are "in good standing." (He reads names of all.)  
Daniel Miles, Levi Hancock The seventies are represented by Presidents Daniel Miles and Levi Hancock.  
Harvey Green The elders are represented by President Harvey Green. 124 are in good standing.  
Joseph on Word of Wisdom Joseph makes "a few remarks on the word of wisdom, giving the reason of its coming forth, saying it should be observd."  

Compliance required of office holders. Minutes of February 20, 1834

High council voted for literal interpretation of the Word of Wisdom at the Minutes of May 1837.

Boycott stores that are not Word of Wisdom compliant. Minutes of November 7, 1837

Violation grounds for removal from office in Kirtland. Minutes of January 26, 1838

John for moderate use of alcohol. Minutes of March 10, 1838

Violation one offence cited at excommunication of David Whitmer and Lyman E. Johnson. Minutes of April 13, 1838

Open After an hour's adjournment, conference opens with singing and prayer.  
Edward Partridge Bishop Edward Partridge represents "the lesser Priesthood, and his council."  
Financial report He also reports church income and expenses "which had passed through his hands."  
First Presidency to sign licenses Conference votes that the First Presidency "be appointed to sign the licenses of the official members of the Church."  
Adjourn Adjourn to the first Friday in July, 1838.  
