Mormon History 1830-1844

Joseph Smith's 1832 History
Joseph's early life, first vision §, visitations by an unnamed angel §, obtaining the plates §. Lord appears to Martin Harris §, loss of 116 pages §. Lord appears to Oliver Cowdery, vision of the plates § and visit to Joseph.


Physical document, date   This document consists of 6 manuscript pages (3 leaves), written between July 20, 1832 and November 27, 1832. Part is in the hand of Frederick G. Williams, part in Joseph's hand.  

Frederick began writing for Joseph on July 20 and the book was converted to a letterbook on November 27. Early accounts, 277–278.

First vision   The 1832 history contains the first report of the Prophet's first vision >. Joseph, in his 16th year, is concerned for the welfare of his soul and prays in the wilderness. A pillar of light descends from heaven. In it he sees the Lord, who tells him his sins are forgiven, He was crucified for the world, the world lies in sin, "no one doeth good," and He comes quickly "as it is written." Other elements notable in later versions are missing.  
Angel, 116 pages, marriage, Oliver's vision   The account also contains an account of visitations by an unnamed angel when Joseph was 17, obtaining the plates, Martin Harris' visit with a scholar who wants to see the plates, loss of the 116 pages, marriage to Emma, and move to Susquehannah (Harmony, Pennsylvania). The Lord appears to Oliver and shows him the plates, which induces him to visit Joseph. (Previously, Martin Harris, Emma, and Samuel H. Smith had acted as scribe.) Joseph needs help, for they are poor and Emma's father threatens to turn them out.    
    Dan Vogel introduces his transcript with the observation:   Early documents 1:26.

The History was begun in the midst of challenges to Smith's authority, primarily initiated by Bishop Edward Partridge in Missouri, which evoked Smith's introduction of the office of president of the High Priesthood. It is therefore not simply an autobiographical sketch, but an apology setting forth Smith’s credentials as leader of the church. The History therefore contains the earliest account of what is known as his 'first vision' and earliest mention of angelic priesthood ordinations.

  For difficulties between Joseph and Edward Partridge, see Joseph to W. W. Phelps, July 31, 1832, and The Lord and the Bishop.
Joseph's marvelous experiences and mighty acts in Jesus' name   A History of the life of Joseph Smith jr. an account of his marvilous experience and of all the mighty acts which he doeth in the name of Jesus Ch[r]ist the son of the living God of whom he beareth record   1832 history, 1–5 // Papers 2:2–37; 1:26–31.
Rise of the Church of Christ   and also an account of the rise of the church of Christ in the eve of time according as the Lord brough<t> forth and established by his hand    
Testimony from on high   <firstly> he receiving the testamony from on high  
Ministering of angels   seccondly the mininstering of Aangels    
Priesthood restored by angels   thirdly the reception of the holy Priesthood by the ministring of Aangels to admnister the letter of the Gospel— <—the Law and commandments as they were given unto him—> and the ordinencs,    
High priesthood after the holy order of the Son of the living God   forthly a confirmation and reception of the high Priesthood after the holy order of the son of the living God power and ordinence from on high to preach the Gospel in the administration and demonstration of the spirit  
Keys of the kingdom   the Kees of the Kingdom of god confered upon him and the continuation of the blessings of God to him &c—   Blue: handwriting of Joseph Smith
Born December 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vermont   I was born in the town of Charon [Sharon] in the <State> of vermont North America on the twenty third day of December AD 1805 of goodly Parents who spared no pains to instruct<ing> me in <the> christian religion    
Move to Palmyra at age 10

Hard working but indigent
  at the age of about ten years my Father Joseph Smith Siegnior moved to Palmyra Ontario County in the State of New York and being in indigent circumstances were obliged to labour hard for the support of a large Family having nine Chilldren and as it required their exertions of all that were able to render any assistance for the support of the Family therefore we were deprived of the bennifit of an education   Joseph Sr. arrived in Palmyra in late 1816; Lucy and the children followed in January 1817. JS beginnings, 41–42; Early documents 1:143.
Basic education   Suffice it to Say I was mearly instructid in reading and writing and the ground <rules> of Arithmatic which constuted my whole literary acquirements.    
Concern for soul at 12

Searches scriptures
  At about the age of twelve years my mind become Seriously imprest [2] with regard to the all importent concerns of for the wellfare of my immortal Soul which led me to searching the Scriptures believeing as I was taught, that they contained the word of God  
Denominations ungodly   thus applying myself to them and my intimate acquaintance with those of differant denominations led me to marvel excedingly for I discovered that <they did not adorn> instead of adorning their profession by a holy walk and godly conversation agreeable to what I found contained in that sacred depository this was a grief to my Soul   1835 Accounts of the First Vision
Age 12–15 ponders divisions, wickedness   thus from the age of twelve years to fifteen I pondered many things in my heart concerning the Sittuation of the world of mankind the contentions and divions the wickeness and abominations and the darkness which pervaded the of the minds of mankind  
Convicted of sins, distressed

No true society
  my mind become excedingly distressed for I become convicted of my Sins and by Searching the Scriptures I found that mand <mankind> did not come unto the Lord but th[at] they had apostatised from the true and liveing faith and there was no society or denomination that built upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ as recorded in the new testament    
Mourns for sins   and I felt to mourn for my own Sins and for the Sins of the world for I learned in the Scriptures that God was the same yesterday to day and forever that he was no respecter to persons for he was God   "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Heb. 13:8.

"Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." Acts 10:34–35.
Wonders at creation   for I looked upon the Sun the glorious luminary of the earth and also the moon rolling in their magesty through the heavens and also the Stars shining in their courses and the earth also upon whi[c]h I stood and the beast of the field and the fowls of heaven and the fish of the waters and also man walking forth upon the face of the earth in magesty and in the strength of beauty whose power and intiligence in governing the things which are so exceding great and [3] marvilous even in the likeness of him who created him <them>    
Argument from creation   and when I considered upon these things my heart exclaimed well hath the wise man Said the <it is a> fool <that> Saith in his heart there is no God my heart exclaimed all all these bear testimony and bespeak an omnipotant and omnipreasant power a being who maketh Laws and decreeeth and bindeth all things in their bounds who filleth Eternity who was and is and will be fron [from] all Eternity to Eternity   God omnipotent, omnipresent
Cries for mercy   and when I, considered all these things and that <that> being seeketh such to worship him as worship him in spirit and in truth therefore I cried unto the Lord for mercy for there was none else to whom I could go and to obtain mercy    
In 16th year sees the Lord in vision   and the Lord heard my cry in the wilderness and while in <the> attitude of calling upon the Lord <in the 16th year of my age> a piller of fire light above the brightness of the sun at noon day come down from above and rested upon me and I was filled with the spirit of god and the <Lord> opened the heavens upon me and I saw the Lord   Backman: "the 6 was not clearly written … and might have been written as a 5."

Two personages in ¶ Orson Pratt's 1840 account
Sins forgiven   and he Spake unto me saying Joseph <my son> thy Sins are forgiven thee. go thy <way> walk in my statutes and keep my commandments behold I am the Lord of glory I was crucifyed for the world that all those who believe on my name may have Eternal life    
World in sin, hypocritical   <behold> the world lieth in Sin and at this time and none doeth good no not one they have turned asside from the gospel and keep not <my> commandments they draw near to me with their lips while their hearts are far from me    

Lord's anger

Prophecies to be fulfilled

  and mine anger is kindling against the inhabitants of the earth to visit them acording to thir ungodliness and to bring to pass that which <hath> been spoken by the mouth of the prophits and Apstles    
I come quickly behold and lo I come quickly as it written of me in the cloud <clothed> in the glory of my Father  
Joseph filled with love, joy

No one believes him
  and my soul was filled with love and for many days I could rejoice with great Joy and the Lord was with me but could find none that would believe the hevnly vision nevertheless I pondered these things in my heart <   ¶ Orson Pratt's 1840 account: a state of calmness and peace, indescribable.
Later sins in many things, cannot be written, persecutions and afflictions   about that time my mother and but after many days [4] I fell into transgression and sinned in many thing which brought a wound upon my soul and there were many things which transpired that cannot be writen and my Fathers family have suffered many persecutions and afflictions   Handwriting of Frederick G. Williams (black).

Night vision: sins forgiven   and it—came to pass when I was seventeen years of age I called again upon the Lord and he shewed unto me a heavenly vision for behold an angel of the Lord came and stood before me and it was by night and he called me by name and he said the Lord had forgiven me my sins   ¶ Oliver's History of the Church (2). Vision content described by Oliver Cowdery, 1834.
Get plates in Manchester   and he revealed unto me that in the Town of Manchester Ontario County N.Y. there was plates of gold upon which there was engravings which was engraven by Maroni & his fathers the servants of the living God in ancient days and deposited by the commandments of God and kept by the power thereof and that I should go and get them  
Reveals past revelations   and he revealed unto me many things concerning the inhabitants of of the earth which since have been revealed in commandments & revelations  
September 22, 1822   and it was on the 22d day of Sept. AD 1822   Above Joseph says he was 17, but on this date he was 16. He corrects the year to 1823 in his 1839 account.
Appears 3 times in night, once next day

Tries 3 times
  and thus he appeared unto me three times in one night and one on the next day and then I immediately went to the place and found where the plates was deposited as the angel of the Lord had commanded me and straightway made three attempts to get them  
Dream/vision   and then being excedingly frightened I supposed it had been a dreem of [or] Vision but when I considred I knew that it was not therefore I cried unto the Lord in the agony of my soul why can I not obtain them   Oliver: Cannot confuse a dream with a vision. ¶ Oliver Cowdery's History of the Church (3)
Angel: cannot have plates because of transgression   behold the angel appeared unto me again and said unto me you have not kept the commandments of the Lord which I gave unto you therefore you cannot now obtain them for the time is not yet fulfilled  
Tempted to learn

Repent to obtain plates
  therefore thou wast left unto temptation that thou mightest be made acquainted with the power of the advisary therefore repent and call on the Lord thou shalt be forgiven and in his own due time thou shalt obtain them    
Temptation for wealth   [5] for now I had been tempted of the advisary and saught the Plates to obtain riches and kept not the commandment that I should have an eye single to the glory of God therefore I was chastened and saught diligently to obtain the plates and obtained them not untill I was twenty one years of age    
January 18, 1827 marries Emma   and in this year I was married to Emma Hale Daughter of Isaach Hale who lived in Harmony Susquehana County Pensylvania on the 18th January AD. 1827,    
September 22, 1827 obtains plates   on the 22d day of Sept of this same year I obtained the plates  
Move to Susquehana

Martin believes, helps
  and the in December following we mooved to Susquehana by the assistence of a man by the name of Martin Harris who became convinced of the visions and gave me fifty Dollars to bare my expences    
Martin's vision   and because of his faith and this rightheous deed the Lord appeared unto him in a vision and shewed unto him his marvilous work which he was about to do   Member Visions
Martin: must go to New York with characters   and <he> imediately came to Suquehanna and said the Lord had shown him that he must go to new York City with some of the c<h>aracters and so we proceeded to coppy some of them   Handwriting returns to Joseph's

Learned say they cannot read

Joseph's spectacles

  and he took his Journy to the Eastern Cittys and to the Learned <saying> read this I pray thee and the learned said I cannot but if he would bring the plates they would read it but the Lord had fo<r>bid it and he returned to me and gave them to <me to> translate and I said I said cannot for I am not learned but the Lord had prepared spectticke spectacles for to read the Book    
Isaiah 29   therefore I commenced translating the characters and thus the Propicy of Is<ia>ah was fulfilled which is writen in the 29 chapter concerning the book  

Frederick G. Williams handwriting resumes.

Isaiah 29:11–12

Martin asks for 116 pages   and it came to pass that after we had translated 116 pages that he desired to carry them to read to his friends that peradventure he might convince them of the truth  
Three times   therefore I inquired of the Lord and the Lord said unto me that he must not take them and I spoke unto him (Martin) the word of the Lord and he said inquire again and I inquired again and also the third time and the Lord said unto me let him go with them only he shall covenant with me that he will not shew them to only but four persons  
Martin covenants   and he covenented withe Lord that he would do according to the word of the Lord therefore he took them and took his journey unto his friends to Palmira Wayne County & State of N York    
Martin breaks covenant, pages fall into evil hands   and he brake the covenent which he made before the Lord and the Lord suffered the writings to fall into the hands of wicked men    
Martin and Joseph chastened   and Martin was chastened for his transgression and I also was chastened also for my transgression for asking the Lord the third time   D&C 3
D&C 10
Plates taken back   wherefore the Plates was taken from me by the power of God and I was not able to obtain them for a season  
Obtains plates   and it came to pass after much humility and affliction of soul I obtained them again    
Lord shows plates to Oliver   when [the] Lord apppeared unto a young man by the name of Oliver Cowdry and shewed unto him the plates in a vision and also the truth of the work and what the Lord was about to do through me his unworthy servant   Oliver's history dates his first meeting April 5, 1829. He does not mention the vision. ¶ Oliver's History of the Church
Martin offers to write   therefore he was desirous to come and write for me and translate  
Emma and Samuel H. had written

Mr. Hale turns Joseph and Emma out

Lord provides
  now my wife had writen some for me to translate and also my Brother Samuel H Smith but we had be come reduced in property and my wives father was about to turn me out of doors & I had not where to go and I cried unto the Lord that he would provide for me to accomplish the work whereunto he had commanded me    
1835 Accounts of the First Vision
Orson Pratt's 1840 Account
First Vision Accounts
Kirtland 1831–1832
Joseph Smith

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