Mormon History 1830-1844

Governor Dunklin to Col. Thornton, June 6, 1834
Though he acknowledges the Mormons have been illegally evicted from their homes, the governor does not want to get involved. Appoints Col. Thornton his aid and suggests alternatives to pursue in negotiating with the two sides. Jackson county citizens have a right to parade their militia, but other counties may not participate with them. Mormons have a right to protect themselves, but those coming from outside have no right to get involved.
"From the Missouri Enquirer"   , 484–488.
Copy of a letter from Daniel Dunklin. Governor of the State of Missouri. To Col J. Thornton. Dated "City of Jefferson, June 6th, 1834.   The Missouri Enquirer issue has not been located, but the letter is also found in the Niles' Weekly Register, July 26, 1834, at UDR. Link.
Regret no progress Dear Sir,—I was pleased at the receipt{ion} of your letter, concurred in by Messrs. Rees, Atchison and Doniphan, on the subject of the Mormon difficulties. I should be gratified indeed, if the parties could compromise on the terms you suggest, or, indeed, upon any other terms satisfactory [485] to themselves.   Punctuation, capitalization, etc. follows . Underlined words are not underlined or italicized in Niles version.

Red: in , not in Niles version
Blue: in Niles version, not in
Not my job

  But I should travel out of the line of my strict duty, as chief executive officer of the government. were I to take upon myself the task of effecting a compromise between the parties. Had I not supposed. it possible, yes, probable, that I should, as executive of the state, have to act, I should before now. have interfered individually, in the way you suggest, or in some other way. in order if possible to effect a compromise. Uncommitted, as I am, to either party, I shall feel no embarrassment in doing my duty; though it may be done with the most extreme regret.  
What if I failed? My duty in the relation in which I now stand to the parties. is plain and Straight forward. By an official interposition, I might embarrass my course, and urge a measure for the purpose of effecting a compromise. and {in the end}, should it fail, and in the end, should I find feel it my duty to act contrary to the advice I had given, it might be said, that I either advised wrong: or acted wrong; or that I was partial to one side or the other, in giving advice that I would not, as an officer, follow.  
Mormons entitled to rights A more clear, and indisputable right does not exist, than that of the Mormon people, who were expelled from their homes in Jackson county, to return and live on their lands, and if they cannot be persuaded as a matter of policy, to give up that right, or to qualify it, my course, as the chief officer executive of the state is a plain one. The constitution of the United States, declares, "that the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all priviliges and immunities of citizens in the several states."  
Cannot hinder Mormons immigrating Then we cannot interdict any people who have a political franchise in the United States, from emigrating immigrating to this state, nor from choosing what part of the state they will settle in, provided they do not trespass on the property or rights of others. Red: in , not in Niles version
Blue: in Niles version, not in
State constitution gives them right to bear arms

Obligated to

Right to worship
Our state constitution declares that the people's "right to bear arms, in defense of in themselves, and of the state, cannot be questioned." Then it is their constitutional right to arm themselves. Indeed our military law makes it the duty of every man, not exempted by law, between the ages of eighteen and forty five, to arm himself with a musket, rifle, or some firelock, with a certain quantity of [486] ammunition: &c. And again, our constitution says, "that all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences,
But their religion is the problem [¶] I am fully persuaded that the eccentricity of the religious opinions and practices of the Mormons. is at the bottom of the outrages committed against them. [¶] marks paragraph break in the Niles' Weekly Register transcript.

Their right

As long as they don't interfere with others

They have the right constitutionally guaranteed to them, and it is indefeasible, to believe, and to Worship Jo Joe Smith as a man. an angel, or even as the only true and living God, and to call their habitation Zion, the Holy Land, or even heaven itself. Indeed there is nothing so absurd or ridiculous. that they have not a right to adopt as their religion. so that in its exercise they do not interfere with the rights of others.
Others not bothered [¶] It is not long since an impostor assumed the character of Jesus christ and attempted to minister as such; but I never heard of any combination to deprive him of his rights.
Compromise [¶] I consider it the duty of every good citizen of Jackson county and the adjoining counties to exert themselves himself to effect a compromise of these difficulties, and were I assured that I would not have to act in my official capacity in the affair, I would visit the parties in person and exert myself to the utmost to settle it.
Options: Mormons sell out   My first advice would be to the Mormons. to sell out their lands in Jackson county. and to settle Somewhere else. where they could live in peace, if they could get a fair price for them, and reasonable damages for injuries received.    
Or residents abide by laws   If this failed I would try the citizens and advise them to meet and rescind their illegal resolves of last summer; and agree to conform confirm to the laws in every particular, in respect to the Mormons.    
Or segregate   If both these failed, I would then advice the plan you have suggested, for each party to take separate territory. and confine their members within their respective limits, with the exception of the public right of egress ingress and regress egress upon the highway.   Red: in , not in Niles version
Blue: in Niles version, not in
Or enforce laws (rather not)   If all these failed then the simple question of legal right would have to settle it. It is this last that I am afraid I shall have [487] to conform my action to in the end. And hence the necessity of keeping myself in the best situation to do my duty impartially    
Cannons illegal [¶] Rumor Says that each party both parties are preparing themselves with cannon. That would be illegal. It is not necessary to Self defense, as guaranteed by the constitution. And as there are no artillery companies organized in this state, nor field pieces provided by the public, any preparation of that kind will be considerered considered as without right, and, in the present state of things, would be understood to be with a criminal intent,
Outsiders not to interfere I am told that the people of Jackson county expect assistance from the adjoining counties. to oppose the Mormons in taking or keeping possession of their lands. I should regret it extremely if any should be so imprudent as to do so: it would give a different aspect to the affair.  
Citizens have right to arms

But not from other counties
[¶] The citizens of Jackson county have a right to arm themselves and parade for military duty in their own county independent of the commander-in-chief; but if citizens march there in arms from other counties, without order from the Commander-in-chief, or some one authorized by him, it would produce a very different state of things.
Mormons have right to arms

But not to levy war
  Indeed the Mormons have no right to march to Jackson county in arms, unless by order or permission of the commander-in-chief. Men must not "levy war." in taking possession of their rights, any more than others should, in opposing them in taking possession. {of theirs}.    
Appoint you aide [¶] As you have manifested a deep interest in a peaceable compromise of this important affair, I presume you will not be unwilling to be placed in a situation, in which perhaps, you can be more serviceable to these parties: I have therefore taken the liberty of appointing you an aid to the commander in chief, and I hope it will be agreeable to you to accept. Red: in , not in Niles version
Blue: in Niles version, not in
Neither of us have to commit In this situation you can give your propositions all the influence they would have were they to emanate from the executive without committing yourself or the commander-in-chief in the event of failure.
Communicate daily [¶] [488] I should be glad, if you, or some of the other gentlemen who joined you in your communication, would keep a in close correspondence with these parties, and by each mail write <to> me.
Delicate situation [¶] The character of the state has been injured in consequence of this unfortunate affair; and I sincerely hope it may not be disgraced by it in the end.
With high respect, your Obedient Servant,
(Signed.) Daniel Dunklin

Missouri 1834
Zion's Camp

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