1830 Chronology

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March 19   Wayne Sentinel ad: Book of Mormon available within the week.    
March 26   First copies of the Book of Mormon for sale at Grandin Bookstore in Palmyra, New York.    
March [26–31]   Joseph and Joseph Knight arrive in Manchester.

D&C 19 (Manchester): Christ to destroy Satan and his works at the end of the world, judgment, endless/eternal punishment is God's punishment (not without end); Martin Harris to preach nothing but repentance; certain things should not be taught; don't lust after neighbor's wife or think of killing him; don't covet your own property; pay the printer's bill.
April   Joseph Smith casts a devil out of Newel Knight (first miracle of the restoration).    
April 6   The Church of Christ is organized, probably at the Smith home in Manchester, New York. The six organizing members are probably Joseph, Joseph Sr., Hyrum, and Samuel H. Smith; Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Knight, though Orrin Porter Rockwell, Sarah Rockwell, Lucy Smith, and Martin Harris have also appeared on some lists of six.
  Inventing Mormonism, 154–156.
    Joseph ordains Oliver "an elder," Oliver ordains Joseph "a seer, translator, prophet, apostle."    
    Oliver baptizes, by all accounts, Joseph Sr. and Martin Harris in Crooked Brook; also by most accounts, Sarah W. Rockwell; and by some accounts, Lucy Smith. Joseph Sr. and Martin (and others?) are baptized at night "Because of persecution."   Inventing Mormonism, 157–159.

"Joseph Knight's Recollection," 37.
    D&C 21 (Manchester): A record to be kept; Joseph to be known as a seer, translator, prophet, apostle, and elder. Church to give heed to him and receive his word "as if from mine own mouth." Oliver to ordain him.
    D&C 23 (Manchester): Oliver Cowdery is blessed but should beware of pride; Hyrum's heart is open and his tongue loosed, to preach and strengthen the church forever because of his family; Samuel H. Smith is to exhort and strengthen the church but not yet to go on a mission; Joseph Sr. is called to exhort and strengthen the church forever; Joseph Knight is to take up his cross and pray publicly, unite with the church, and exhort continually.
  Joseph Knight was still reading the Book of Mormon and wanted more time before being baptized. "Joseph Knight's Recollection," 37.
April 11   Church at Fayette is organized [the term branch is not yet used].

Oliver delivers the first public address about the church at the home of Peter Whitmer.

Oliver baptizes Hiram Page and Catherine Whitmer Page in Seneca Lake.
April 16   D&C 22: All ordinances are done away, all must be baptized into the church.    
April 18   Oliver performs more baptisms.    
April 19   The Telegraph (Painesville) publishes a copy of the Articles and Covenants provided by Martin Harris.    
June   Joseph begins revisions of the Bible and receives the "Visions of Moses" (Moses 1).    
June 1   Joseph Knight and family, and others, are baptized. Joseph confirms them.   "Joseph Knight's Recollection," 37.
    Palmyra Reflector refers to Oliver as and "apostle … under a command."    
June [1–9]   D&C 20: Joseph is the seer called of God and ordained an apostle, an elder of the church; and Oliver, is an apostle, an elder of the church. Joseph's sins were forgiven but he became "entangled again in the vanities of the world." When he repented an angel gave him commandments and power to translate the Book of Mormon. All must repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ. Duties of the elders, priests, teachers, deacons, and members. Bless children, baptize at age of accountability. Baptismal prayer, procedure. Church to meet to partake of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus Christ. Membership records.   See Zebedee Coltrin diary version in JS Revelations, 62–68.

Oliver had written an early draft in 1829. Early Mormon Documents, 3:409–412.

The section underwent further revisions later.
June 9   First conference of the church, Fayette, New York. Articles and Covenants presented. Joseph and Hyrum are ordained priests.    
June 28   Joseph is charged with disorderly conduct and taken to South Bainbridge, New York, for trial.    
June 29   Joseph is acquitted of disorderly conduct charge.    
June 30   Joseph is charged with disorderly conduct and taken to Broome County, New York, where he is acquitted.

Samuel H. Smith leaves on a mission to neighboring towns.
July   D&C 24 (Harmony) Joseph to stop sinning, magnify his office; go to Colesville; branch there to support him or be cursed; calling to write what Comforter gives, expound scriptures, bless the churches; Oliver to declare the gospel; do not require miracles except casting out devils, healing the sick, power over serpents, etc; dust feet against those who reject you; no purse or scrp; prune the vineyard.

D&C 25 (Harmony) Emma "an elect lady," not to murmur because of things she has not seen; comfort Joseph; be a substitute scribe while Oliver is gone; be ordained to expound the scriptures and exhort the church; compile a book of hymns.
    John Whitmer assists Joseph arrange and copy what would become Book of Commandments 2–27.   Inventing, 154.
    Fleeing persecution, Joseph moves family from Harmony, Pennsylvania, to Peter Whitmer Sr.'s farm in Fayette, New York.    
July [4–13]   D&C 26 (Harmony): Joseph, Oliver, and John to devote their time to studying scriptures, preaching, and supporting the church at Colesville. All things to be done by common consent.    
September [1]   Oliver baptizes Parley P. Pratt is Seneca Lake.   ¶ History of Parley P. Pratt
September 4   D&C 27 (Harmony): It doesn't matter what you use for the sacrament as long as you do it "with an eye single to my glory." Don't buy wine from your enemies.    
September [5–26]   D&C 28: Oliver to preach to the church, but only Joseph shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations. Joseph as Moses, Oliver as Aaron. Joseph has the keys of the mysteries and sealed revelations until the Lord appoints another in his stead. Oliver to preach to the Lamanites. A city to be built, location not revealed. Oliver to privately tell Hiram Page that he has been deceived by Satan in the revelations he has written. All things to be done by common consent.

D&C 29: "A Revelation to the church of Christ, given in the presence of six elders, in Fayette, New-York, September, 1830." Sins are forgiven, gather the elect; resurrection, then end of the world calamaties, wicked into everlasting fire. All things are spiritual. The devil and a third of the heavenly host cast down to hell before Adam was created. Devil necessary to tempt men so they can be agents unto themselves. Adam yielded to temptation, was cast out and became spiritually dead, until angels were sent to declare repentance and redemption through the Son. Little children cannot sin, are redeemed through the Only Begotten.
September 19   Orson Pratt is baptized by his brother, Parley.   Orson Pratt Journals, 9
September 26   Second church conference, Fayette, New York (no minutes).    
September [ca. 26–28]   D&C 30 (Fayette): David Whitmer has not been diligent. Peter Whitmer Jr. and John Whitmer to accompany Oliver on mission. Oliver is to build up the church among the Lamanites and only Joseph is above him in the church.

D&C 31 (Fayette): Thomas B. Marsh (h) called on a mission; sins forgiven; to be a physician to the church.
October (ca 17)   D&C 32 (Fayette): Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson to join Oliver's mission to the Lamanites.    
October 18   Parley, Ziba, Oliver, and Peter Whitmer Jr. leave on a mission to the Seneca Indians near Buffalo, New York.    
October [ca 18–31]   D&C 33 (Fayette): Ezra Thayre and Northrop Sweet called on missions. Gather the elect.    
October 21   Book of Moses (Pearl of Great Price) is being written as Joseph continues to revise the Bible.   Joseph Smith's Revision, 4.
November   Parley, Ziba, Oliver, and Peter Whitmer Jr. preach in the Western Reserve (Ohio) and baptize 127.   Sidney, 62; From Historian, 3.
November 4   D&C 34 (Fayette): Orson Pratt (h2) to preach, for "the time is soon at hand, that I shall come in a cloud with power and great glory;" calamities near.   Reportedly received through a seer stone placed in a hat; recorded by John Whitmer.Joseph Smith Revelations, 94.
November 8   Oliver baptizes Sidney and Phebe Rigdon.   Sidney, 62, 66n61.
November 14   Parley baptizes Lyman (h) (swh) and Harriet Benton Wight.   "Impact," 487.
November 16   Painesville Telegraph: Oliver "pretends to have a divine mission and to have seen and conversed with Angels," predicts end of the world within a few years, Saints to gather at a city of refuge beyond the Mississippi, where they would convert the Indians and the lost tribes of Israel. Twenty or thirty are reported to have been baptized.    
November 18   Oliver confirms Wight (h) (swh) (and presumably his wife).   Lyman Wight Journal
November 20   Oliver ordains Lyman Wight an elder.    
November 22   The "Lamanite missionaries," now joined by Kirtland physician Frederick G. Willliams, leave Kirtland for Independence, Missouri.   Sidney, 64.

Part of the book of Enoch (Moses 7) is revealed.

December 7   [Painesville Telegraph]: Mr. Oliver Cowdery has his commission directly from the God of heaven, and that he has his credentials, written and signed by the hand of Jesus Christ, with whom he has personally conversed, and as such, said Cowdry claims that he and his acosiates are the only persons on earth who are qualified to administer in his name. By this authority, they proclaim to the world, that all who do not believe their testimony, and be baptized by them foer the remission of thier sins … must be forever miserable.    
December [7–11]   D&C 35 (Fayette): Sidney, like John, prepared the way for Jesus and Elijah. Baptized unto repentance. Now Holy Ghost. Signs follow believers. Lord will "let fall the sword in their behalf." Joseph has the keys of the mysteries. If he fails, he will be replaced. Sidney to be Joseph's scribe. Lord comes soon.  

Sidney begins writing on manuscript page 15 of the Bible revisions. JS Revelations, 96n96.

December 10   Sidney Rigdon and Edward Partridge meet Joseph in Waterloo, New York, a short distance from David Whitmer's home in Fayette township.
December 11   Joseph baptizes Edward Partridge in the Seneca River.   Joseph Smith, "History, 1839" in Personal, 348.
December [11–15]   D&C 36 (Fayette): Edward is called to preach the gospel.  
December 15   Sidney ordains Edward an elder.   JS Revelations, 97n97.
    D&C 37 (Canandaigua): Joseph to stop translating now until he goes to Ohio "because of the enemy." Strengthen the church in Colesville. In time they should gather in Ohio "against the time that my servant Oliver shall return unto them."   Date given by William E. McLellin in The Ensign of Liberty 1 (March 1847), 2, cited in Joseph Smith Revelations, 97n98,
    1831 Chronology