Minutes of August 18, 1835
Phineas H. Young is disfellowshipped for unchristian-like behavior on Burr Riggs testimony.
Date   August 18, 1835   KCMB*
Location   Kirtland, Ohio    
Description   Minutes of a High Council …    
Presiding   Not named    
Clerk   Warren Parrish    
Phineas charged   Elder T. S. Cole charges Phineas H. Young with unchristian-like conduct.    
Burr: Phineas and Book of Young loans, sales    Burr Riggs: Elder Young borrowed a Book of Mormon from Mr. Childs of Madison county, New York and agreed to return it, but sold it instead. He gave another copy to a poor female "as a deed of charity," but later borrowed and sold it.   Burr Riggs had been excommuicated in 1833. February 26, 1833
 Disfellowshipped   Council suspends Phineas "from church fellowhip" until he gives satisfaction to the council.   Phineas is cleared later. Minutes of September 29, 1835
    * Selected Collections 1:19, 96–97.   Minutes