Heman T. Hyde (1788–1869)
Convert of Freedom, New York.
Born   Manchester, Vermont    
Died   June 11, 1867 in Salt Lake City   Church chronology
Father   Heman Hyde    
War of 1812   Veteran of the War of 1812.   Papers 2:556.
Baptized   March 11, 1834 at Freedom, Cattaraugus county, New York by Joseph Smith and Parley P. Pratt.   HC 2:43; Times and Seasons, vol. 6 no. 17 (November 15, 1845), 1027.
Joseph and Parley   At Freedom, New York, Joseph and Parley preach several discourses and baptize Heman. His parents are Presbyterians, and his mother, tells Parley   Parley's autobiography, 133.
Presbyterian mother distraught … she would much rather have followed him to an earthly grave than to have seen him baptized.   March 10, 1834: "… at eve preacht again to a hous crowded full to overflowing after meting I proposed if any wished to obey if they would make it manifest we would stay to administer at another meeting a young man of the methodist order arose and testified his faith in the fulness of <the> gospel and desired to Be Baptised we Appointed another meting and the next day tuesday 11th held meeting and Baptised Heman hide" Joseph's Ohio Journal in Papers 2:24.
Family baptized, begin Freedom branch Soon afterwards, however, herself, her husband, and the rest of the family, with some thirty or forty others, were all baptized and organized into a branch of the Church—called the Freedom branch—from which nucleus the light spread and souls were gathered into the fold in all the regions round.  
Teacher   April 10, 1834 ordained a teacher in Freedom by Orson Pratt and John Murdock.   ¶ Orson Pratt (h2)
Ohio   Moved to Ohio.   Papers 2:556.
Zion's Camp   Zion’s Camp, 1834.   Papers 2:556.
Makes bricks   Works with Lyman Wight (swh), Wilford Woodruff (h1), Milton Holmes, and Stephen and Benjamin Winchester making bricks for Col. Michael Arthur in Clay County.   ¶ Lyman Wight (h)
Priest   November 5, 1834 ordained a priest.   ¶ Council of November 5, 1834; WWJ 1:13.
1835 mission   May 1835 travels with Aerot Hale and members of the Twelve on their mission to the East.  
  [October] 1835 in Freedom when George A. and Lyman Smith pass through.   "My Journal," 462–463.
Elder   March 17, 1836 ordained "in the west school room of the Lord's House."   HC 2:407; Kirtland Elders, 15.
Kirtland endowment   March 18, 1836 anointed in the Lord's house.   Kirtland Elders, 11.
Missouri   Moved to Missouri.   Papers 2:556.
Quincy   January 29, 1839 living in Quincy, Illinois.   John Holbrook auto
Nauvoo   Moved to Nauvoo.   Papers 2:556.
Iowa high council   July 21, 1846 appointed to the Pottawattamie high council (west side of the Missouri river)   Journal History, July 21, 1846, qtd. in We'll Find, 62n38.
Captain of 50   April 31, 1848 appointed captain of fifty in Brigham's 1848 pioneer company.   HC 7:625.
Salt Lake City  

Member, Salt Lake City 13th Ward.

  Papers 2:556.
Families   Polly Wyman Tilton, md. 1810.    
    William b. September 11, 1818 in York, Livingston county, New York   WWJ 7:143.
  Biographical sketches