Milton Holmes (1811–1863)
Friend, missionary companion of Wilford Woodruff.
Born   Rowley, Essex county, Massachusetts.  
Profession   Shoemaker  
Positions   First Quorum of Seventy  
Events   1830 living at Napoli, Cattaraugus County, New York    
Mission to Canada   February 20, 1834 assigned mission to Canada with Lyman E. Johnson (h).   ¶ Council of February 20, 1834
Zion's Camp

  May–June 1834 Zion's Camp. Milton takes the arrow out of Zelph's back bones and brings it and some bones back to camp   WWJ 1:10.
Work for Lyman Wight   Summer 1834 works for Lyman Wight (h) (swh) with Wilford Woodruff (h1) and Heman Hyde cutting wheat, quarrying rock, and making brick.   ¶ Lyman Wight (h)
Tennessee and Illinois   December 1834 mission to Tennessee and Illinois. >    
First Quorum of 70   January 3, 1837 ordained member of the First Quorum of Seventy by Hazen Aldrich.   WWJ 1:118.
Wilford and Phebe   January 28, 1837 introduces Wilford Woodruff to Phebe Carter.   WWJ 1:139.
Temple experience   April 7, 1837 spends the evening with Wilford Woodruff, Joseph B. Noble, and Freeman Nickerson in the temple. >    
Mission with wilford   May 31, 1837 takes steamboat with Wilford Woodruff from Fairport to Sackett's Harbor, then Upper Canada. Attend conference with John E. Page, James Blakeslee, and a large number of Saints. A few days later, leave with John Goodson and others bound for England. At Schenectady, John Goodson and party head for New York city while Milton and Wilford continue on to Wilford's hometown of Canaan, Connecticut. After a few days there, Milton starts out for Massachusetts.   Wilford Woodruff letter of September 18, 1837 in Elders' Journal, vol.1 no.1 (October 1837), 1–2.
Fox Islands   April 8, 1838 joins Wilford Woodruff for conference on Fox Islands.   WWJ 1:238.
  May 9, 1838 Wilford accompanies Milton to his home town of Georgetown (formerly New Rowley), Massachusetts and the next day leaves for Salem.   WWJ 1:245.
Fox Islands company   October 6, 1838 Wilford arrives in Georgetown, Massachusetts with company of Saints from the Fox Islands en route to Kirtland. Milton and his family join them along with Nathaniel Thomas and James Townsend.   WWJ 1:295.
  November 2, 1838 at Buffalo, New York, Milton and his family leave Wilford's company to take the steamboat to Fairport.   WWJ 1:299.
Goes to Kirtland   November 16, 1838 rather than continue on to Missouri with Wilford, Milton decides to "tarry in kirtland or in the regions round about untill spring. We have had many interesting seasons together but I know not when we shall meet again or what we shall be called to pass through before that time." It was not yet known in Kirtland that Far West had fallen and Joseph was imprisoned.   WWJ 1:301.
Call to England   May 6, 1839 high council in Quincy authorizes Milton and other seventies to accompany the Twelve to England.   HC 3:347.
  1840–1841 England.    
Milton and father won't gather   September 9, 1843 the Twelve hold a conference in Boylston Hall, Boston. Elder Bryant reports there is "not much spirit of gathering" among the 30 members of the Georgetown branch. Elder E. Snow remarks that it is little wonder "when their Presiding Elder Nathaniel Holmes & his Son Elder Milton Holmes has setteled down with the Church manifesting No disposition to gather themselves. It was no wonder the Church had not the spirit of it."   HC 2:286.
To Maine with Wilford   July 2, 1844 takes steamer with Wilford Woodruff for Portland, Maine. >    
Mission to England   November 7, 1844 sails for England with Wilford Woodruff, Hiram Clark, Leonard W. Hardy, and Dan Jones.  

WWJ 2:488.

  February 16, 1845 appointed to preside over Manchester conference.   WWJ 2:506.
Massachusetts home   The Holmes families did not follow Brigham and the Twelve West, but remained in Massachusetts.    
Join Strangites   April 19, 1847 Wilford receives word from L. Hardy in Massachusetts that Milton and his parents have been excommunicated, that they "turned Strangites And that Aphia his wife was a great apostate. O Milton [152] Holmes how hast thou fallen."   WWJ 3:151-152.
Depressed   August 28, 1848 in Boston Wilford calls on Milton. "He is quite gloomy feels unhappy And hardly knows what Course to take," Wilford concludes. "We were glad to meet."   WWJ 3:364.
  January 7, 1849 learning that Wilford is again in the Boston area, Milton calls on him. They visit for several hours. "He is quite unhappy at the present time. He is now out of the church And has not taken Any active part in the work since his Father And Mother was cut off."   WWJ 3:402.

Milton's father, Nathaniel, had joined the Strangites. Things in Heaven, 152.
Wife   Aphia Woodman  
    1834–1835 mission    

I left Clay co. Mo. on the 23 of December, 1834— in company with elder J. Holbrook, we travelled and preached until we arrived at Salt River church.

  The Latter-day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, vol.2 no.4 (January 1836), 255

From this place I journeyed with Elder W. Ivy, we journeyed as far as Montgomery co. —Ill. preached by the way and baptized two.


From thence we journeyed to Bedford co. Tennessee: we tarried in this State about two months. The people flocked from every quarter, to hear preaching, many were convinced of the truth, but few obeyed the gospel. We baptized five in this State;


we left Bedford co. the first day of June; arrived at Hamilton co. Ill. the 8th day of same month, here we tarried, and labored in company with elders E. H.— Groves and I. Higbee about three weeks, and baptized 33.


After this elder Ivy and myself baptized seven, after the afore mentioned brethren left us.


Elder Ivy left here the 29 of September, since he left, I baptized two more, I expect to baptize a number more in this place, who believe the work of the Lord. The Lord is blessing his children here with some of the gifts of the gospel. <

    On December 7, 1835 Joseph received a letter from Milton, reporting his "prosperity in proclaiming the gospel." Joseph replies with a request for him to return to Kirtland.   Papers 2:97.
    In the temple    
3 friends in temple

Satan appears

[April 7, 1837] … & when the shades of evening began to appear I repaired to the house of the LORD in company with Elders Milton Holmes, & Joseph B Nobles for the purpose of worshiping God. We entered one of the stands within the veils & fell upon our knees & Satan appeared also but not to worship god but to deprive us of the priviilege. Satan strove against us with great power by tempting & otherwis. He at one time drove me from my stand while I was striving with my brethren to enter into the visions of heaven.

  WWJ 1:136–137.
Freeman Nickerson joins  

[137] Notwithstanding his apparent victory good grew out of it for by going into the outer Court I there found Elder Freeman Nickerson an aged father in Israel who was faithful & Prayed to God alway. I solicited him to Join us in prayer that we might gain a victory over Satan & get a blessing at the hand of God. He joyfully accepted the invitation & we again entered the stand being four of us in number of one accord in one place. … We all had travled together about 1,000 miles in the spring of 1834 for the redemption of Zion. We at that time offered to lay down our lives & our offering was accepted as was Abram's.

Satan departs

Prophesy and revelation

We felt considering those circumstances that we could kneel down & unitedly get a blessing by faith through Jesus christ. We fell upon our Knees & began to cry unto God. Satan departed, temptation found no place in our harts The power of God rested upon us & we were baptized with the Holy Ghost & the Spirit of God was like fire shut up in our bones. We were immersed in the liberty of the sons of God. Many great things were shown unto us. The power of God & the Spirit of prophesy & revelation rested upon us. I arose & Proclaimed many Glorious thing upon the heads of my beloved brethren that were present which were dictated in my heart by the Holy Spirit. <

Boston to Portland, Maine

[July 2, 1844] I left the city [Boston] & went on board of the steemer Com Pribble in company with Elder Milton Holmes an old friend companion & fellow laborer in the gospel. We had not met before for five years. It was quite a treat to enjoy his company one more. … [After arriving in Portland] We walked to Scarboro & arived

  WWJ 2:418.

3d at Father Carters about 2 oclok PM.

Scarboro   The two spend several days together, attending conference in Scarboro (audience of 400) on the 7th.    

July 9th 1844 I left Scarboro in the morning in company with Father Carter & elder M. Holmes & rode to Portland, & dined with Ezra Carter & made preperations to take the steam boat in the evening for Thomastown & fox Islands.

  WWJ 2:419.

But about 2 oclok P.M. We obtained the Boston Times of July 9th Containing the solumn & awful information of the Death of President Joseph Smith the Prophet Seer & Revelator of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Also the Death of Hiram Smith his brother the Patriarch of Said Church. They were shot dead in Cartha[ge] jail by a company of {anti mormons & a guard that Governor Ford placed over them} <200 men American citizens painted like indians>. <

      Biographical sketches