Ezra Booth Letters (8–9)

(8) Native origins a popular topic, but only God knows. Book of Mormon claims Indians part of House of Israel and New Jerusalem to be built among them. Oliver to preach to them. Text of D&C 28. Copy of covenants to go by Oliver and companions. Joseph's exclusive prerogatives to give written commandments, name successor. Oliver's aspirations, may declare oral revelations, assigned to put down Hiram Page's revelations. Kirtland prophetess popular with some, including Sydney; put down by Joseph.

Letter 8 Letter to Rev. Ira Eddy   No date. Published in the Ohio Star, Ravenna, Ohio, December 10, 1831 qtd. in Mormonism Unvailed, 210–216.
Speculation about Indian origins The origin of the aborigines of this country, and the history before the introduction of the eastern literature into the western hemisphere, has afforded a subject for much speculation, and deep research among the learned; and has occasioned considerable curiosity, among various classes of people. But the subject still remains an impenetrable obscurity; and will so remain, unless He who has the power to speak, "let there be light," and the light shall break forth out of obscurity. But as this is a subject better calculated to gratify the speculative inquirer, than to purify the heart, by rectifying wrong principles in the mind, or to increase that kind of knowledge intimately connected with, and essential to practical improvements either in civil or religious society, we may reasonably doubt, whether the great Jehovah will soon, if ever, condescend to clear away the darkness, by giving a revelation, merely to gratify the desires of persons, who delight to wander in the region of conjecture and speculation.
Book of Mormon

But he has already done it, cries the Mormonite herald. The Book of Mormon, which I hold in my hand, is a divine revelation, and the very thing we need, to burst the cloud and remove the darkness, which [211] has long surrounded the mysterious and degraded aborigines.    
House of Israel

New Jerusalem temple

Oliver to Lamanites
  We now know that the natives who inhabit the forests of America, are a "branch of the House of Israel;" and by means of this blessed book, they are soon, even in this generation, to be restored to the knowledge, and the true worship of the God of Israel.—Among them is to be built, the "glorious city of the New Jerusalem." In the midst of which is to stand, the splendid and magnificent temple, dedicated to the Most High God, and "Oliver being called and commanded of the Lord God, to go forth among the Lamanites, to proclaim glad tidings of great joy unto them, by presenting unto them, the fullness of the gospel of the only begotten son of God," &c.   Quote is from Oliver's calling covenant. >
Oliver in high standing The grand enterprise of introducing this new dispensation, or the fullness of the Gospel, among the Indian tribes, who have recently received the appellation of Lamanites, was committed in charge to Oliver Cowdery, a young man of high fame among the Mormonites. His credentials, and the credentials of the three others associated with him in the mission, will be found in the following revelations, which I transcribe for your perusal, and also for some future remarks, which I design to offer.

Text matches Book of Commandments (BC) except for punctuation and capitalization, and words in color. Paragraphing here follows BC. Booth's version is in one paragraph.

Changes made for 1835 D&C are identified in
D&C 28.

Church to listen to Oliver Behold, I say unto you Oliver, that it shall be given unto thee, that thou shalt be heard by the church, in all things whatsoever thou shalt teach them by the comforter, concerning the revelations and commandments which I have given.  
Only Joseph commands

Like Mose
But, verily, verily I say unto you, no one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church, excepting my servant Joseph, for he receiveth them even as Moses,  
Oliver like Aaron   and thou shalt be obedient unto the things which I shall give unto him, even as Aaron, to declare faithfully the commandments and the revelations, with power and authority [212] unto the church.   "… Oliver shall continue in bearing my name before the world, and also to the church. And he shall not suppose that he can say enough in my cause; and lo, I am with him to the end. … And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men." July 1830. D&C 14:10, 12

In July, Oliver had written Joseph directing him to change D&C 20:37. (It appears Oliver had written the first draft, perhaps as early as 1829. See Articles in Woodford. 287–290.)
May speak any time And if thou art led at any time by the comforter to speak or teach, or at all times by the way of commandment unto the church, thou mayest do it;  
But not write commands but thou shalt not write by way of commandment but by wisdom: >  
Not command Joseph, until he is replaced and thou shalt not command him who is at thy head, and at the head of the church; for I have given him the keys of the mysteries of the revelations which are sealed, until I shall appoint unto him another in his stead— >  
Preach to Lamanites

Have revelations among them
and now, behold I say unto you, that you shall go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospel unto them; and thou shalt have revelations but write them not by way of commandment.—  
No one knows where city to be built And now [behold], I say unto you, that it is not revealed, and no man knoweth where the city shall be built, but it shall be given hereafter.   Blue text: Book of Commandments
Will be among Lamanites Behold I say unto you, that it shall be among the Lamanites.  
Wait for conference

Joseph to rule conference
Thou shalt not leave this place until after the conference, and my servant Joseph shall be appointed to rule the conference, by the voice of it; and what he saith [un]to thee that thou shalt tell.   Blue text: Book of Commandments
Tell Hiram [Page] Satan has deceived him about the stone And again, thou shalt take thy brother Hiram between him and thee alone, and tell him that these [those] things which he hath written from that stone are not of me, and that Satan hath deceived [deceiveth] him, >   Blue text: Book of Commandments
His writings unauthorized for behold these things have not been appointed unto him,
All done by commandment neither shall any thing be appointed [un]to any in [of] this church, contrary to the church covenant[s], for all things must be done in order and by commandment [and by common consent in the church], by the prayer of faith,   Blue text: Book of Commandments
Settle Hiram matter before mission and thou shalt settle all these things [according to the covenants of the church] before thou shalt take thy journey among the Lamanites;   Blue text: Book of Commandments
Inspiration on mission and it shall be given from to time, [thee from the time] that thou shalt go, until the time that thou shalt return, what thou shalt do;  
Declare gospel with joy and thou must open thy mouth at all times declaring my gospel with the sound of rejoicing.—Amen.  
MANCHESTER, October 17, 1830.  
Oliver's covenant

Companions Parley P. Pratt, Peter Whitmer, Jr., Ziba Peterson
I, Oliver, being commanded of the Lord God to go forth unto the Lamanites, to proclaim glad tidings of great joy [213] unto them, by presenting unto them the fullness of the gospel, of the only begotten son of God; < and also, to rear up a pillar as a witness where the temple of God shall be built, in the glorious New Jerusalem; and having certain brothers with me, who are called of God to assist me, whose names are Parley, Peter, and Ziba, do therefore most solemnly covenant with God, that I will walk humbly before him, and do this business, and this glorious work according as he shall direct me by the Holy Ghost; ever praying for mine and their prosperity, and deliverance from bonds, and from imprisonment, and whatsoever may befall us, with all patience and faith.—Amen. OLIVER COWDERY.    
Companions' covenant   We, the undersigned, being called and commanded of the Lord God, to accompany our brother Oliver Cowdery to go to the Lamanites and to assist in the above mentioned glorious work and business. We do therefore, most solemnly covenant before God, that we will assist him faithfully in this thing, by giving heed unto all his words and advice, which is, or shall be given him by the spirit of truth, ever praying with all prayer and supplication, for our and his prosperity, and our deliverance from bonds, and imprisonments, and whatsoever may come upon us, with all patience and faith.—Amen.    
Signed in the presence of
Human origins of mission In the preceding revelation, the principal thing which claims your attention, is the mission to the Indians; for with that mission many circumstances are connected, which clearly evince, that it originated from human imbecility, and diabolical depravity.—
Joseph's exclusive right to command

  There are also some other things the meaning of which you will not be likely to apprehend, without some explanation. In this, as well as several of the commandments, it is clearly and explicitly stated, that [214] the right of delivering written commandments, and revelations, belong exclusively to Smith, and no other person can interfere, without being guilty of sacrilege.    
Joseph names own successor   In this office he is to stand, until another is appointed in his place, and no other can be appointed in his stead, unless he falls through transgression; and in such a case, he himself is authorized to appoint his successor. <   "I shall appoint unto him another in his stead"
Joseph guilty if unable to give revelations, commit adultery, murder But how is he to be detected, should he become guilty of transgression. The commandment makes provision for this. His guilt will become manifest by his inability to utter more revelations, and should he presume "to get another man's wife," and commit adultery; and "by the shedding of blood, seek to kill her husband," if he retain the use of his tongue, so as to be able to utter his jargon, he can continue as long as he pleases in the bed of adultery, and wrap himself with garments stained with blood, shed by his own hands, and still retain the spotless innocence of the holiest among mortals; and must be continued in the office of revelator, and head of the church. Where does Ezra get this?
Oliver's aspirations Some others, and especially Cowdery, have earnestly desired to relieve Smith of some part of his burden. Cowdery's desires for this work were so keen and excessive, as, to use his own language, "it was unto me a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forebearing, and I could forbear no longer;" and he did in fact, issue some productions, which he said bore the divine impress; but Smith fixed upon them the stamp of devilish.
What appears to be the first draft of D&C 20 (Articles of the Church), begins "A commandment from God unto Oliver how he should build up his church & the manner thereof—Saying Oliver listen to the voice of Christ … & write the words which I shall command you." Articles in Woodford. 287.
Compromise: verbal commandments only But it seems, in order to compromise the matter, that Cowdery was permitted to "speak or to teach, at all times, by way of commandment unto the church; but not to write them by way of commandment:" thus Cowdery is authorized to give verbal commandments to the church by the inspiration of the spirit, which, if he afterwards writes, ceases to be inspiration; therefore, a commandment delivered orally, may be divinely inspired; but the same [215] communicated, written verbatim, so far loses its former character, that it degenerates into a prediction of an infernal stamp. <
Joseph's oral revelations may be mistaken Here is a mystery, for aught I know, peculiar to Mormonism; and none but Mormonites, I presume, will attempt to unravel it. But it finds its parallel in the following: Smith asures his followers, that what he speaks by the spirit, and is written, is infallible in operation, but if it is not written, he may sometimes be mistaken.—
Summary of Joseph's prerogatives He tells them that the right to deliver written revelations, belongs exclusively to himself, and no other person shall interfere in the business; and if he transgresses he will graciously condescend to appoint another in his stead, and the only proof produced for the support of such assertions, is barely his word, upon which they implicitly rely, and because entirely resigned to place their person and property under his control, and even risk the salvation of their souls upon his say-so. Such glaring duplicity on the one hand, and unaccountable credulity on the other, seldom have a parallel in the annals of man.

Sends Oliver to put down Hiram
Never was there a despot more jealous of his prerogative than Smith; and never was a fortress guarded with more vigilance and ardor against every invading foe, than he guards these. Smith apprehended a rival in the department of written inspiration, from another quarter, and hence Cowdery was commissioned to commence an attack and suppress the enemy, before he had acquired sufficient stability and strength so as to become formidable. "Thou shalt take thy brother Hiram, between him and thee alone, and tell him that the things he hath written from that stone, &c." >
Hiram's activities:

Eight Witnesses
Money digger
[Seer stone] revelations

Accepted by most Mormons
Hiram Page, one of the eight witnesses, and also one of the "money diggers," found a smooth stone, upon which there appeared to be a writing, which when transcribed upon paper, disappeared from the stone, and another impression appeared in its place. This when copied, vanished, [216] and so it continued, alternately appearing and disappearing; in the meanwhile, he continued to write, until he had written over considerable paper. It bore striking marks of a Mormonite revelation, and was received as an authentic document by most of the Mormonites, till Smith, by his superior sagacity, discovered it to be a Satanic fraud.

Accepted by Rigdon and others

Kiss of charity

Joseph declares her an imposter

Effect lingers
A female professing to be a prophetess, made her appearance in Kirtland, and so ingratiated herself into the esteem and favor of some of the Elders, that they received her, as a person commissioned to act a conspicuous part in Mormonizing the world. Rigdon, and some others, gave her the right hand of fellowship, and literally saluted her with what they called the kiss of charity. But Smith, viewing her as an encroachment upon his sacred premises, declared her an impostor, and she returned to the place from whence she came. Her visit, however, made a deep impression on the minds of many, and the barbed arrow which she left in the hearts of some, is not yet eradicated.
Yours affectionately, EZRA BOOTH.
Letter 9 Letter to Rev. Ira Eddy No date. Published in the Ohio Star, Ravenna, Ohio, December 10, 1831 qtd. in Mormonism Unvailed, 210–216.
Mission to the Indians

Mormon testimonies invulnerable
In this letter the mission to the Indians will be brought into view, and with it, are connected circumstances and facts, sufficient, one would suppose, to convince every honest and unprejudiced Mormonite, of the fallacy and deception of Mormonism. But a Mormonite of the highest grade, is invulnerable by facts the most notorious, and evidence as glaring as the noon-day sun; for they affirm, they know by the spirit that Mormonism is what it pretends to be; and should Smith acknowledge it to be a fabrication, they would not believe him. This forms the highest climax in Mormonism, and but few have attained to it.
Parley recommends visiting Sidney, a Campbellite After Cowdery, and his three associates had left the state of New York, while bending their course to the west, he was directed by the spirit to Kirtland, for the special purpose of enlisting Rigdon in the Mormonite cause. I have since learned, that the spirit which directed in this enterprise, was no other than Pratt, who had previously become acquainted with Rigdon, and had been proselyted by him into what is called the Campbellite faith.
Sidney's vision, testimony of the Book of Mormon This new system appears to have been particularly suited to Rigdon's taste, and calculated to make an impression on his mind. But before he could fully embrace it, he must "receive a testimony from God." In order to this, he labored as he was directed by his Preceptor, almost incessantly and earnestly in praying, till at length, his mind was wrapped up in a vision; and to use his own language, "to my astonishment I saw the different orders of professing Christians passing before my eyes, with their hearts exposed to view, and they were as corrupt as corruption itself. That society to which I belonged also passed before my eyes, and to my astonishment, it was as corrupt as the others. Last of all that little man who bro't me the Book of Mormon, passed before my eyes with his heart open, and it was as pure as an angel; and this was a testimony from God; that the Book of Mormon, was a Divine Revelation." The "little man" is Oliver Cowdery. See below.
Sidney now leader

Not faith, but absolute knowledge

Many visions, including Ohio as the promised land

Most ignore Sidney's revelations
Rigdon is one who has ascended to the summit of Mormonism; and this vision stands as the foundation of his knowledge. He frequently afhrms [affirms], that these things are not a matter of faith with him, but of absolute knowledge. He has been favored with many extraordinary visions, in some of which he saw Kirtland with the surrounding country, consecrated as the promised land, and the churches in the state of New York expected to receive their everlasting inheritance in the State of Ohio, and this expectation was grounded upon Rigdon's vision in the State of New York. These visions are considered by the church as entitled to no credit, and laid aside as mere rubbish.
Oliver's engagement fiasco (lack of character) [281] As it relates to the purity of the heart of "that little man," if a pure and pleasant fountain can send forth corrupt and bitter streams, then may the heart of that man be pure, who enters into a matrimonial contract with a young lady, and obtains the consent of her parents; but as soon as his back is turned upon her, he violates his engagements, and prostitutes his honor by becoming the gallant of another, and resolved in his heart, and expresses resolutions to marry her. But as the practice of a man will ever stand as a general criterion by which the principles of the heart are to be tested, we say, that the heart of such a man is the reverse of purity. In 1831 Oliver confessed to the parties involved, who forgave him. The matter was raised again at the Conference of May 26, 1832. Again he acknowledged his error and was forgiven "by the proper authority."

The first engaged lady was Elizabeth Ann Whitmer. sister of David and John Whitmer. Oliver had known her since 1828, baptized her on April 11, 1830, and married her on December 18, 1832.
Kirtland to Indians at Sandusky


Decide to go to Missouri
From Kirtland, Cowdery & Co. were directed by the spirit to Sandusky, where they contemplated opening their mission, and proselyting the Indians residing at that place. But neither Cowdery, nor the spirit which directed him, was able to open the way to, or make any impressions upon their minds. Being frustrated in this, his first attempt to convert the natives, he turned his attention and course to Missouri, and when near the eastern line of that state, he halted for several days, for the purpose of obtaining, by inquiry, information respecting the Indians, still further west. It appears that he was fearful that his infallible guide, (the spirit,) was incapable to direct him, while proceeding further to the west; consequently, he applied to men more capable of giving instruction than the spirit, by which he was influenced.
Crosses into Indian territory

U.S. agent: recross or go to garrison

Leave territory
When he arrived at the western line of Missouri, he passed it into the Indian territory, where he continued but a short time, before he was notified by the U. S. Agent, that he must either re-pass the line, or be compelled to take his residence in the garrison, forty miles up the Arkansas river. As there was no other alternative, the former seemed to him the most expedient; and he never possessed courage sufficient to pass the line, or visit the residence of [219] the Indians since.
Oliver lacks commitment Thus you behold a man, "called and commanded of the Lord God, to go forth unto the Lamanites," and establish his Church among them; but no sooner is he set down in the field of his mission, and surrounded by his anticipated converts, than he is driven by a comparative nothing, from the field, and obliged to relinquish his contemplated harvest.—  
Plan foiled (mocks Oliver) This is the person commissioned by the Lord to proceed the western wilds, and as he himself stated, "to the place where the foot of a white man never trod," ["]to rear up a pillar for a witness, where the Temple of God shall be built in the glorious New-Jerusalem." But alas! he was arrested by man in his course, and by the breath of man the mighty undertaking was blown into the air, and Cowdery was thrown back among the Gentiles, to wait for the spirit to devise some new plans in the place of those which had been frustrated.  
Revises plan (unauthorized) But as the city and temple must be built, as every avenue leading to the Indians was closed against the Mormonites, it was thought that they should be built among the Gentiles, which is in direct opposition to the original plan—as foreign from the design of the spirit, expressed in several commandments, as it would have been, had the Directors, who were appointed to build the court-house in Ravenna, built it in Trumbull county, foreign from the design of those who intrusted them with the business.
Written commandment needed to present to agent Though their plans had hitherto failed, they were unwilling to abandon the Indian enterprise; and in a commandment it was stated, that Cowdery and others should receive a written recommendation, signed by the Elders, for the purpose of presenting it to the Indian agent, in order to obtain permission to visit the Indians in their settlements.—  
Recommendation available but never used The recommendation was written according to commandment, and frequent opportunities occurred in which it might have been presented to the agent, but it never was [220] presented, and of course was useless; he was censured by some for not presenting it, but I suppose the spirit directed him not to do it.  
Lord's storehouse plan instead Another method has been invented, in order to remove obstacles which hitherto had proved insurmountable. "The Lord's store-house," is to be furnished with goods suited to the Indian trade, and persons are to obtain license from the government to dispose of them to the Indians in their own territory; at the same time they are to disseminate the principles of Mormonism among them. From this smug[g]ling method of preaching to the Indians, they anticipate a favorable result.   ***
Marry Indians In addition to this, and to co-operate with it, it has been made known by revelation, that it will be pleasing to the Lord, should they form a matrimonial alliance with the Natives; and by this means the Elders, who comply with the thing so pleasing to the Lord, and for which the Lord has promised to bless those who do it abundantly, gain a residence in the Indian territory, independent of the agent.   Decades later W. W. Phelps recalled a revelation that included, "For it is my will, that in time, ye should take unto you wives of the Lamanites and Nephites, that their posterity may become white, delightsome and Just, for even now their females are more virtuous than the gentiles." See Joseph Smith Revelations, 374–376, or visit this off-site link.
One married man claims to be free to marry a Lamanite but fears civil law It has been made known to one, who has left his wife in the State of New York, that he is entirely free from his wife, and he is at pleasure to take him a wife from among the Lamanites. It was easily perceived that this permission was perfectly suited to his desires. I have frequently heard him state, that the Lord had made it known to him, that he is as free from his wife as from any other woman; and the only crime I have ever heard alleged against her is, she is violently opposed to Mormonism. But before this contemplated marriage can be carried into effect, he must return to the State of New York and settle his business, for fear, should he return after that affair had taken place, the civil authority would apprehend him as a criminal.   "pleasure" is "liberty" in the newspaper version.
It is with pleasure I close this exposition, having in part accomplished, what I intended when I commenced it. The employment has been an unpleasant one to me, and from [221] the first, I should have gladly avoided it, could I have done it, and maintained a conscience void of offence, towards God and man.—But should an individual by this exposition, be extricated or prevented from falling into the delusion, which has been the subject of consideration, I shall be amply compensated, for the painful task which I have performed.
Yours affectionately, EZRA BOOTH.  
Ezra Booth Letters (1–3)
Ezra Booth Letters (4–6)
Ezra Booth Letters (7)
Primary sources