Abraham H. Cannon Diaries ( July–August 1886)

Unusual doctrines of Brigham Young, Lorenzo Snow; polygamists to prison in Detroit; Frank Cannon released from jail; Abraham released from prison; John W. Taylor arrested; Moses Thatcher allegations; George Q.'s financial burdens; Frank authors Joseph Smith biography.

The Abraham H. Cannon diary is at the Harold B. Lee Library, Special Collections, BYU

Since March 1886, Abraham had been incarcerated Utah Territorial Penitentiary for unlawful cohabitation. See "The Prison Experience" by William Seifrit.

  July 6, 1886    
Judge Powers caught in the brush   It is said that Judge Powers was caught one night last week at 11 o'clock having illicit intercourse with a young woman. They were found in the sage brush a short distance out from Ogden. A model reformer for the Mormons!    
  July 15, 1886    
Lorenzo Snow: Brigham said brothers and sisters would marry in the church   In the evening Rud. and I had a conversation with brother Snow about various doctrines. Brother Snow said I would live to see the time when brothers and sisters would marry each other in this church. All our horror at such a union was due entirely to prejudice, and the offspring of such unions would be as healthy and pure as any other. These views were the decided views of President Young when alive, for brother S. talked to him freely on this matter.    
Snow: Jesus will come as a man and live among the Saints

Gentiles will reject him
  Brother S. believes that Jesus will appear as a man among this people and dwell with them a time before he comes in his glory. The gentiles will hear of it and they will reject him, as the Jews did anciently, but they will have to power over him at all.    
Snow: revelation if ready to sacrifice all   He says that if a man will place himself in a position where he is ready to sacrifice everything at the command of the Lord, he is then in a position to ask and receive heavenly revelation.    
  July 24, 1886    
Display of mourning for exiles   At the jubilee in the large Tabernacle today, the building was draped in mourning and a feeling of sadness prevailed because of the exiled and imprisoned brethren.    
  August 5, 1886    
Prisioners to be sent to Detroit   The report comes today that it has been decided to send all the long-time Mormon cohabitation and polygamy prisoners back to Detroit to finish their sentences. Some of our people on the outside are working hard to prevent it, but what success they will have remains yet to be seen.    
  August 6, 1886    
Charles Whitney suicide   Charlie Whitney, a younger brother of Orsons, committed suicide day before yesterday by shooting himself through the head.  
  August 9, 1886  
Bearded Frank Cannon released from jail   I saw Frank and his wife. The former has just been released from the county jail where he has been confined three months for his assault upon Dickson. He is both looking and feeling well. He is now wearing a full beard.   Assault on U.S. Attorney

Frank Cannon's account is in of the assault
  August 13, 1886  
  Brother H. B. Clawson was in the yard today taking the measurement of an iron door which the church intends to place in no. 3 for ventilation.  
  August 16, 1886    
Behavior pleases Warden   [Meets with Warden G. N. Dow.] I was pleased to know that my actions were worthy of his approval. And my feelings towards him are of the kindest.    
  August 17, 1886    
An example   I can truly say that I have tried to set a god example in study, work and morals, and the Lord has wonderfully blest me.    
  August 18, 1886    
Release   [Released from the penitentiary.]    
  August 19, 1886    
John W. Taylor arrested   Apostle John W. Taylor was arrested in Pocatello yesterday for some alleged treasonable utterances made at the Oneida Stake conference recently. The objectionable part of his discourse was in urging the people to defend their rights before the law, and keep all of God's commandments.    
  August 20, 1886  
Visits GQC in hiding   I accompanied brother S. J. Sudbury about 11 miles out of town in his buggy and was met at brother John S____'s by Charles Wilcken, who took me about 7 miles further, where I had the pleasure of meeting father, whom I found both looking and feeling well. He was at the house of bishop S. Father seemed much pleased to see me and questioned me about matters pertaining to the pen. We slept together.   On Wilcken see "Charles Henry Wilckin."
  August 20, 1886    
Moses Thatcher allegations   After breakfast we went out for a walk when father told me that Brother Moses Thatcher had preached that the people were to be robbed of all their political rights and brought into great bondage; and when it would seem as though there was no escape the people would cry unto God, who would then send to them the man like unto Moses of whom the Doctrine and Covenants speaks; this should be the prophet Joseph resurrected. Brother Thatcher claims no revelation for these things, which he says is all to occur within 5 years but has made deductions from ancient and modern prophecies. Father says it has not been made known to him that this doctrine is correct, and he does not approve of its being taught.   Was this the rumor B. H. Roberts referred to in ¶ B. H. Roberts to Moses Thatcher?
George Q.'s financal burdens   Father told me of his deep financial embarrassments. Besides his bonds, which he feels he must in honor pay, he seems on the point of losing considerable in John Beck's mine, where he invested at Pres. Taylor's wish and suggestion. He says he sees nothing but ruin ahead though he has faith God will yet relieve him. …   mine: Bullion Beck and Champion Mining Company.

¶ George Q. Cannon diaries
Frank writing of Joseph Smith   We revised what Frank had written of the Prophet's history.   Many believe Frank was the ghost author of his father's The Life of Joseph Smith, the Prophet (1888).
  August 21, 1886    
George Q.'s hiding places at home   We went to the farm in the afternoon where I selected two hiding places so that Father could conceal himself should he be surprised when at home sometime.    
        Primary sources