Mormon History 1830-1844

Beliefs & Practices

Zion Regulations
Advice from W. W. Phelps to those who want to move to Zion.
    LET EVERY MAN LEARN HIS DUTY.   Evening and Morning Star, vol. 1 no. 8 (January 1833) [5]. W. W. Phelps, editor.
Revelation as guide ¶  EVERY man ought to know his duty to God and man; especially the saint that has the benefit of revelation to guide him: he ought to know his duty, not only to say, but to do in all things.  
Holiness   He ought to practice holiness before the Lord, that he may be counted worthy of an inheritance in Zion, and meet his Savior in peace.    
Settle debts before moving  ¶ Every soul that comes up to Zion for an inheritance, for the present, must prepare temporally and spiritually. He should settle all his concerns with the world, and owe no man:    
Consecrate   he should overcome the world, and be ready, when he arrives at the place of gathering, to consecrate all to the Lord, through whom the Lord has appointed for that purpose, that he may be prepared to keep the commandments, and do the will of his heavenly Father: .    
Otherwise no inheritance   otherwise he may not hold communion with the brethren: nor can he expect an inheritance, according to the regulations and order of the church    

Gentiles welcome
 ¶ While the gathering is sounded, that Israel may come in from his long dispersion, and also, as many of the Gentiles as will, the invitation is free,    
Must keep commandments   but unless the articles and covenants, the law and regulation; yea, verily all the commandments, are kept, all is vain.    
Disobedient found wanting   The Lord has order, and many that may come to the land of Zion, for an inheritance, without obeying all the requirements of the Lord, will be weighed in the balances and found wanting. It is not every one that says Lord, Lord, that shall abide the day of tithing.    
Celestial kingdom by faith and works

Exemplary conduct
  Every soul that is saved in the celestial kingdom, will be saved by its own faith and works: therefore, how necessary it is, that the saints should keep all the commandments, that others seeing a good example, may go and do likewise.    
Love, consecrate, loyal, charity, holy   If any should ask what is my duty? Let him read: To love the Lord supremely: To love his neighbor as himself: To consecrate all to the Lord: To be faithful to the end, and, above all, to have charity. A saint must be holy, or he cannot have a portion in the holy city.    
All in order

Quit world for eternal life
 ¶ Again: Let all things be in order. Let every one that quits the world for the sake of eternal life, act consistent in every thing:    
Be obedient, pay debts, care for property   by obeying the commandments; by paying his just debts; by taking care of his property, if any, if not, by assisting others to do so:    
No rush   not hurrying up to Zion with some and leaving some to whet the appetite of an over anxious world. The Lord is never in a hurry, but gives every thing its proper proportion of time.    
Cleanliness (decent)   Be cleanly; no matter what condition yours may be, cleanliness is a virtue, that will be required in Zion. Heaven shines with glory, and the Lord clothes his angels with WHITE ROBES: How necessary, then, that his saints should be decent.    
   ¶ In relation to consecrating, and continuing worthy, and faithful to the end, we make the following extract of a letter:   D&C 85
Zion—City Plot

Zion—the New Jerusalem
Temples of the New Jerusalem
Jackson County


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