Minutes of August 10, 1835
Reynolds Cahoon has failed to teach " in the way of truth & righteousness."
Date   August 10, 1835   KCMB*
Location   Kirtland, Ohio    
Description   … meeting of the High Council at Kirtland, convened … to hear complaint of President Joseph Smith Junr. against Elder Reynolds Cahoon    
Presiding   Sidney Rigdon, Oliver Cowdery, W. W. Phelps    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Present   W. W. Phelps
Orson Johnson
John Smith
Levi Jackman
Daniel Stanton
John Gould
Martin Harris
Joseph Smith Sr.
John Whitmer
Newel Knight
Elias Higbee
Oliver Granger
Open   Prayer by Sidney Rigdon.    
Counselors assigned to speak   W. W. Phelps
Orson Johnson
Martin Harris
Joseph Smith Sr.
Reynolds a recalcitrant parent   It was proven that Elder Cahoon had failed to do his duty in correcting his children and instructing them in the way of truth & righteousness, and after the several pleas decision was given accordingly.    
Confession   Reynolds acknowledges his failure and agrees to make public confession.    
Close   Prayer by Oliver Cowdery    
    * Selected Collections 1:19, 96.   Minutes