Minutes of August 23, 1834
Date   August 23, 1834    
Location   Kirtland, Ohio    
Description   … a council convened for the purpose of hearing the resolution designed for the Star [regarding] … the difficulty existing between brother J. Smith Junr. and Sylvester Smith.    
Moderator   Reynolds Cahoon    
Clerk   Oliver Cowdery    
Open   Prayer    
Introduction   As clerk, Oliver reads the resolutions and refers to the council of August 11 which assigned Oliver Cowdery, Thomas Burdick, and Orson Hyde had been assigned to prepare the article.    
Article approved   Council approves the preamble and resolutions and orders them printed.    
Sylvester objects   Sylvester protests the August 11 decision. After "much discussion" the council unanimously resolves:    
Rights revoked   … that we Judge [Sylvester Smith] guilty of a misdeamor unbecoming a man in his high station, and except a humble confession be made to this council, he stand[s] rebuked and disqualified to act further in his office in the church, until he make proper satisfaction, or till a trial before the bishop assisted by twelve high priests can be had.    
 Close   Prayer by Sidney Rigdon.    
  Conference minutes … August 23d 1834. After the usual form the Conference [convened] and was opened by prayer when the following preamble and resolutions were read and ordered to be printed in the evening and the morning star and sent as a circular to the churches abroad.    

Unfavorable reports circulating about Joseph's moral character and honesty
Whereas a report having come to the knowledge of the church in this place censuring the conduct of brother Joseph Smith Junr. relative to his proceedings during his late Journey to, and from Missouri and whereas said report was calculated to create an unfavorable influence, as regards the moral character and honesty of our brother, it becomes necessary for us to investigate the matter and report the same to our brethren abroad, Therefore,    
Full investigation vindicates Joseph

Only jealous and guilible could believe reports
[56] Resolved, that after hearing from the mouths of some that a suspicion rested upon their minds relative to the conduct of our brother, as regards his honesty and Godly walk, we have investigated his whole proceedings, by calling upon those who accompanied him to, and from Missouri and are happy to have it in our power to say … that he has acted in every respect, worthy [of] his high and responsible station in this church… and that those reports could have originated in the minds of none, except, such as either from a <misunderstanding or a> natural jealousy, are easily led to conceive of evils where none exists. …    
  Signed by Oliver Cowdery, clerk, and Reynolds Cahoon, moderator.    
Conference members affirm statement   We, the undersigned members of the above named conference … feel it to be our duty to say … that we were present during the foregoing investigation and cheerfully concur in the spirit of the above minutes, and join in saying that we are perfectly satisfied, that whatever impressions may have gone abroad, … [Joseph] conducted himself in all respect as set forth in the resolutions of this conference. …    
  Ira Ames
Asa Lyman
John Rudd
Isaac Story
William Burgess
Jonas Putnam
J. B. Bosworth
Roswell Evans
John Smith
Orson Johnson
Oliver Higley
Almon Shermon
Jacob Bump
Isaac Hill
Lorenzo Young
Benson, Vermont
Parishville, New York
Springfield, Erie county, Pennsylvania
Warsaw, New York
Bolton, New York
Bolton, New York
From the church in Norton
of Waterford, Vermont
Pottsdam, New York
Bath, New Hampshire
Pomfret, New York
Silver Creek, New York
East Liverpool, Ohio
[No location given]
Lyman Johnson and Heber affirm   Lyman Johnson and Heber C. Kimball also sign, affirming that they accompanied Joseph to and from Missouri and that "the above is a correct statement concerning his character and conduct."