W. W. Phelps to the Star, May 1, 1834
Jackson county rumor that Mormons were coming, mob turned out for war, burned most of 170 Mormon structures. Depredations in Clay county. Some non-Mormons leaving Jackson. Only God can stop the mob.
Oliver Cowdery's introduction The following from bro. W. W. Phelps, is the last intelligence from the west; and as it gives particulars we insert it, defering further remarks till a future number.—[Editor of the Star.]
  The Evening and the Morning Star vol. 2 no. 20 (May 1834), 160

Bracketed text is the Star's. Oliver Cowdery is the editor

Published in Kirtland by F. G. Williams & Co.

Blue: Blue river. The Blue flowed north into the Missouri river west of Independence. The Little Blue flowed north into the Missouri east of Independence.
  Liberty, May 1, 1834.
Rumor of Mormons coming in Jackson county

Citizens burn many Mormon houses

DEAR BRETHREN:—There are great moves in the west. Last week an alarm was spread in Jackson county, the seat of iniquity and bloodshed, that the "Mormons" were crossing the Missouri, to take possession of their lands, and nearly all the county turned out, "prepared for war," on Saturday, and on Sunday took the field, near old McGees, above Blue. But no "Mormons" came; neither did Arthur go over to see about his spilt whiskey, so that the scene closed with burning our houses, or many of them.
170 Mormon homes in Jackson   Our people had about one hundred and seventy buildings in Jackson, and a bonfire of nearly all of them, at once, must have made a light large enough to have glared on the dark deed and cup of iniquity running over, at midnight.    
In Jackson it is fight or leave The crisis has come: All that will not take up arms with the mob and prepare to fight the "Mormons," have to leave Jackson county.
Some (non-Mormons) have left rather than fight

Mob mustering this week

I understand some have left the county because they refused to fight an innocent people. It is said the mob will hold a "general muster" this week for the purpose of learning who is who. They begin to slip over the Missouri and commit small depredations upon our brethren settled near the river, as we have reason to believe.
Only God can stop them It is said to be enough to shock the stoutest heart to witness the drinking, swearing, and ravings of the most of the mob: nothing but the power of God can stop them in their latter day crusade against the church of Christ.
Brethren putting in crops Our brethren are very industrious in putting in spring crops; and they are generally in good health and the faithful in strong faith of a glorious hereafter.
  I remain yours, &c,

John Corrill to the Star, June 14, 1834
Primary sources
