Joseph Smith's Far West Journal |
Joseph Smith's appeal to the nation from Quincy,
Illinois, published in the first issue of the Times and Seasons (November
1839) as an extract from his "private journal." |
Assassination plots and attempts
greet Joseph in Caldwell county from his arrival in March. Governor,
judges, and public officials encourage persecution §.
Continual state of alarm though only crime was worshipping God §.
September attack on DeWitt §. Governor ignores
appeals §. DeWitt abandoned after starvation,
burnings, shootings, deaths §. Mob of 800 marches
on Daviess county §. Joseph and Colonel Hinckle
respond §. Militia under Lyman Wight opposes mob §.
Mob burns own homes §. Ray county battle of Crooked
River §. Widespread destruction, Mormon prisoners
taken §. State militia reaches Far West, October
28 §. At Hinkle's instance, Joseph and others
go out to meet with officers but are taken prisoner §.
October 31 court martial orders execution, but order is not carried
out §. Militia plunders Far West, Joseph says
good-bye to family §. Prisoners taken to
Independence, then Richmond §. Court of inquiry,
Liberty jail, escape §. |
Catalog of enemies, rhetorical summary §.
Though anxious for family, Joseph remained calm, assured by still small
voice §. Virtuous Saints, friends, martyrs §.
Persecution expected §. Appeal to the nation,
an American tragedy § |
Extract. |
TS1, no. 1 (Nov. 1839): 2–6. |
From the Private Journal of |
Arrives Far West,
March 14, 1838
Eight-week journey
¶ |
On the fourteenth day of March,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, I
with my family, arrived in Far West, Caldwell county Missouri, after a
journey of more than one thousand miles, in the winter season, and being
about eight weeks on our Journey; during which we suffered great affliction,
and met with considerable persecution on the road. However, the prospect
of meeting my friends in the west, and anticipating the pleasure of dwelling
in peace, and enjoying the blessings thereof, buoyed me up under the difficulties
and trials which I had then to endure. |
Assassination plots |
However, I had not been there long
before I was given to understand that plots were laid, by wicked and designing
men for my destruction, who sought every opportunity to take my life; and
that a company on the Grindstone forks of Grand river, in the county of
Daviess, had offered the sum of one thousand dollars for my scalp: persons
of whom I had no knowledge whatever, and who, I suppose, were entire strangers
to me; and in order to accomplish their wicked design, I was frequently
waylaid &c., consequently, my life was continually in jeopardy. |
Guns snap at Shoal
Creek |
¶ |
I could hardly have given credit
to such statements, had they not been corroborated by testimony, the
most strong and convincing; as shortly after my arrival at Far West,
while watering my horse in Shoal Creek, I distinctly heard three or four
guns snap, which were undoubtedly intended for my destruction; however,
I was mercifully preserved from those who sought to destroy me, by their
lurking in the woods and hiding places, for this purpose.
Government officials
Judge King
¶ |
My enemies were not confined alone,
to the ignorant and obscure, but men in office, and holding situations
under the Governor of the State, proclaimed themselves my enemies, and
gave encouragement to others to destroy me; amongst whom, was Judge King,
of the fifth Judicial circuit, who has frequently been heard to say that
I ought to be beheaded on account of my religion— |
Encourages persecution |
Expressions such as these, from
individuals holding such important offices as Judge King's, could not fail
to produce, and encourage persecution against me, and the people with whom
I was connected. And in consequence of the prejudice which existed in the
mind of this Judge, which he did not endeavor to keep secret, but made
it as public as he could, the people took every advantage they possibly
could, in abusing me, and threatening my life; regardless of the laws,
which promise protection to every religious society, without distinction. |
Joseph's peaceful
desires |
¶ |
During this state of things I do
not recollect that either myself, or the people with whom I was associated,
had done any thing to deserve such treatment, but felt a desire to live
at peace, and on friendly terms, with the citizens of that, and the adjoining
counties, as well as with all men; and I can truly say, "for my love they
were my enemies," and "sought to slay me without any cause," or the least
shadow of a pretext. |
Family terrified
Joseph can only hope
¶ |
My family was
kept in a continual state of alarm, not knowing, when I went from home,
that I should ever return again; or what would befall me from day to day.
But notwithstanding these manifestations of enmity, I hoped that the citizens
would eventually cease from their abusive and murderous purposes, and would
reflect with sorrow upon their conduct in endeavoring to destroy me, |
Only crime worshipping God
Saints industrious |
whose only crime was in worshipping
the God of heaven, and keeping his commandments; and that they would soon
desist from harrassing a people who were as good citizens as the majority
of this vast republic—who labored almost night and day, to cultivate
the ground; and whose industry, during the time they were in that neighborhood,
was proverbial. |
September 1838
DeWitt attack |
¶ |
In the latter part of September,
A. D. 1838, I took a journey, in company with some others, to the lower
part of the county of Caldwell, for the purpose of selecting a location
for a Town. While on my journey, I was met by one of our brethren from
Dewitt, in Carroll county, who stated that our people, who had settled
in that place, were, and had been for some time, surrounded by a mob, who
had threatened their lives, and had shot at them several times; and that
he was on his way to Far West, to inform the brethren there, of the facts.
I was surprised on receiving this intelligence, although there had, previous
to this time, been some manifestations of mobs, but I had hoped that the
good sense of the majority of the people, and their respect for the constitution,
would have put down any spirit of persecution, which might have been manifested
in that neighborhood. |
October 1838
Joseph to DeWitt
Beseiged, out-numbered |
¶ |
Immediately on receiving this intelligence,
I made preparations to go to that place, and endeavor if possible, to
allay the feelings of the citizens, and save the lives of my brethren
who were thus exposed to their wrath. I arrived at Dewitt, about the
first of October, and found that the accounts of the situation of that
place were correct, for it was with much difficulty, and by travelling
unfrequented roads, that I was able to get there; all the principal roads
being strongly guarded by the mob, who refused all ingress as well as
egress. I found my brethren, (who were only a handfull, in comparison
to the mob, by which they were surrounded,) in this situation, and their
provisions nearly exhausted, and no prospect of obtaining any more.
¶ Siege
of DeWitt |
Petition governor |
¶ |
We thought it necessary to send immediately to the Governor,
to inform him of the circumstances; hoping, from the Executive, to receive
the protection which we needed, and which was guaranteed to us, in common
with other citizens. Several Gentlemen of standing and respectability,
who lived in the immediate vicinity, (who were not in any wise connected
with the church of Latter Day Saints,) who had witnessed the proceedings
of our enemies; came forward and made affidavits to the treatment we had
received, and concerning our perilous situation; and offered their services
to go and present the case to the Governor themselves. A messenger was
accordingly despatched to his Excellency, who made known to him our situation. |
Governor refuses to get involved |
But instead of receiving any aid whatever, or even sympathy from his
Excellency, we were told that "the quarrel was between the Mormons and
the mob," and that "we might fight it out." |
Judges end militia
Bogart's men mutiny, join mob |
In the mean time, we had petitioned the Judges to protect us. They sent
out about one hundred of the militia, under the command of Brigadier General
Parks; but almost immediately on their arrival, General Parks informed
us that the greater part of his men under Capt. Bogart had mutinied, and
that he should be obliged to draw them off from the place, for fear they
would join the mob; consequently he could afford us no assistance. |
DeWitt members die of exhaustion,
Virtuous members
¶ |
We had now, no hopes whatever, of successfully resisting
the mob, who kept constantly increasing: our provisions were entirely exhausted
and we being wearied out, by continually standing on guard, and watching
the movements of our enemies; who, during the time I was there, fired at
us a great many times. Some of the brethren died, for want of the common
necessaries of life, and perished from starvation; and for once in my life,
I had the pain of beholding some of my fellow creatures fall victims to
the spirit of persecution, which did then, and has since prevailed to such
an extent in Upper Missouri—men too, who were virtuous, and against
whom, no legal process could for one moment, be sustained; but who, in
consequence of their love to God—attachment to his cause—and
their determination to keep the faith, were thus brought to an untimely
grave. |
Homes burned, property destroyed |
¶ |
Many houses belonging to my brethren, were burned; their
cattle driven away, and a great quantity of their property destroyed by
the mob. |
Flee to Caldwell county in 70 wagons |
Seeing no prospect of relief, the Governor having turned a deaf ear to
our entreaties, the militia having mutinied, and the greater part of them
ready to join the mob; the brethren came to the conclusion to leave that
place, and seek a shelter elsewhere; they consequently took their departure,
with about seventy waggons, with the remnant of the property they had been
able to save from their matchless foes, and proceeded to Caldwell. |
Several die en route |
During our journey, we were continually harrassed and threatened by the
mob, who shot at us several times; whilst several of our brethren died
from the fatigue and privations which they had to endure, and we had to
inter them by the wayside, without a coffin, and under circumstances the
most distressing. |
Doniphan reports Daviess county
mob |
¶ |
On my arrival in Caldwell I was informed by General
Doniphan of Clay county, that a company of mobbers eight hundred strong,
were marching towards a settlement of our people's in Daviess county. He
ordered out one of the officers to raise a force and march immediately
to what he called [Lyman] Wight's town and defend our people from the attacks of
the mob, until he should raise the militia in his, and the adjoining counties
to put them down. |
Unreliable militia order to return |
A small company of militia who were on their route to Daviess county,
and who had passed through Far West, he ordered back again, stating that
they were not to be depended upon, as many of them were disposed to join
the mob; and to use his own expression, were "damned rotten hearted." |
George M. Hinckle leads men to Daviess |
According to orders Lieut. Colonel Hinkle marched with a number of our
people to Daviess county to afford what assistance they could to their
brethren. |
Joseph to Daviess |
Having some property in that county and having a house building there,
I went up at the same time. While I was there a number of houses belonging
to our people were burned by the mob, who committed many other depredations,
such as driving off horses, sheep, cattle hogs &c. |
Plight of refugees |
A number, whose houses were burned down as well as those who lived in
scattered and lonely situations, fled into the town for safety, and for
shelter from the inclemency of the weather, as a considerable snow storm
had taken place just about that time; women and children, some in the most
delicate situations, were thus obliged to leave their homes, and travel
several miles in order to effect their escape. My feelings were such as
I cannot describe when I saw them flock into the village, almost entirely
destitute of clothes, and only escaping with their lives. |
General Parks advises Lyman Wight to put down mobs |
During this state of affairs General Parks arrived at Daviess county,
and was at the house of Colonel Lyman Wight, when the intelligence was
brought, that the mob were burning houses; and also when women and children
were fleeing for safety. Colonel Wight who held a commission in the 59th
regiment under his (General Parks) command, asked what was to be done.
He told him that he must immediately, call out his men and go and put them
down. Accordingly, a force was immediately raised for the purpose of quelling
the mob, and in a short time were on their march with a determination to
drive the mob, or die in the attempt; as they could bear such treatment
no longer. |
Mobbers burn homes, blame Mormons |
The mob having learned the orders of General Parks, and likewise being
aware of the determination of the oppressed, they broke up their encampments
and fied. The mob seeing that they could not succeed by force, now restored
to stratagem; and after removing their property out of their houses, which
were nothing but log cabins, they actually set fire to their own houses,
and then reported to the authorities of the state that the Mormons were
burning and destroying all before them. |
Joseph returns to Caldwell
Mob takes prisoners, burns houses in Ray county
¶ |
On the retreat of the mob from Daviess, I returned to Caldwell,
hoping to have some respite from our enemies, at least for a short time;
but upon my arrival there, I was informed that a mob had commenced hostilities
on the borders of that county, adjoining to Ray co. and that they had taken
some of our brethren prisoners, burned some houses and had committed depredations
on the peaceable inhabitants. |
Hinckle orders David W. Patten to drive out mob |
A company under the command of Capt. Patten, was ordered out by Lieutenant
Col. Hinckle to go against them, and stop their depredations, and drive
them out of the county. |
[Battle of Crooked River] |
Upon the approach of our people, the mob fired upon them, and after discharging
their pieces, fled with great precipitation, with the loss of one killed
and several wounded. In the engagement Capt Patten, (a man beloved by all
who had the pleasure of his acquaintance,) was wounded and died shortly
after. Two others were likewise killed and several wounded. |
Widespread destruction, many prisoners |
Great excitement now prevailed, and mobs were heard of in every direction
who seemed determined on our destruction. They burned the houses in the
country and took off all the cattle they could find. They destroyed cornfields,
took many prisoners, and threatened death to all the Mormons. |
October 28
Militia arrives at Far West |
On the 28 of Oct. a large company of armed soldiery were seen aproaching
Far West. They came up near to the town and then drew back about a mile
and encamped for the night. We were informed that they were Militia, ordered
out by the Governor for the purpose of stopping our proceedings; it having
been represented to his excellency, by wicked and designing men from Daviess,
that we were the aggressors, and had committed outrages in Daviess &c |
Extermination order |
They had not yet got the Governors orders of extermination, which I believe
did not arrive until the next day. |
October 30 negotiations |
On the following morning, a flag was sent, which was met by several of
our people, and it was hoped that matters would be satisfactorily arranged
after the officers had heard a true statement of all the circumstances. |
Hinckle: militia wants to talk to Joseph |
Towards evening, I was waited upon by Colonel Hinckle who stated that
the officers of the Militia desired to have an interview with me, and some
others, hoping that the difficulties might be settled without having occasion
to carry into effect the exterminating orders, which they had received
from the Governor. |
Joseph, others, seized |
I immediately complied with the request, and in company with Elders Rigdon
and Pratt, Colonel Wight, and Geo. W. Robinson, went into the camp of the
militia. But judge of my surprise, when instead of being treated with that
respect which is due from one citizen to another, we were taken as prisoners
of war, and were treated with the utmost contempt. |
Officers refuse to meet
Verbal abuse
The officers would not converse with us, and the soldiers, almost to
a man, insulted us as much as they felt disposed, breathing out threats
against me and my companions. I cannot begin to tell the scene which I
there witnessed. The loud cries and yells of more than one thousand voices,
which rent the air and could be heard for miles; and the horrid and blasphemous
threats and curses which were poured upon us in torrents, were enough to
appal the stoutest heart. in the evening we had to lie down on the cold
ground surrounded by a strong guard, who were only kept back by the power
of God from depriving us of life. |
Officers refuse to talk |
We petitioned the officers to know why we were thus treated, but they
utterly refused to give us any answer, or to converse with us. |
October 31 court martial
Execution order |
The next day they held a court martial, and sentenced us to be shot,
on Friday morning, on the public square, as an ensample to the Mormons.
However notwithstanding their sentence, and determination, they were not
permitted to carry their murderous sentence into execution. |
General Wilson wants Joseph dead |
¶ |
Having an opportunity of speaking to General Wilson, I inquired
of him the cause why I was thus treated, I told him I was not sensible
of having done any thing worthy of such treatment; that I had always been
a supporter of the constitution and of Democracy. His answer was 'I know
it, and that is the reason why I want to kill you or have you killed." |
Militia plunder |
The militia then went into the town and without any restraint whatever,
plundered the houses, and abused the innocent and unoffending inhabitants.
They went to my house and drove my family out of doors. |
Steal most of Joseph's property |
They carried away most of my property and left many destitute.— |
Town square
Visits family under guard |
We were taken to the town, into the public square; and before our departure
from Far West, we, after much entreaties, were suffered to see our families,
being attended all the while with a strong guard; I found my wife and children
in tears, who expected we were shot by those who had sworn to take our
lives, and that they should see me no more. When I entered my house, they
clung to my garments, their eyes streaming with tears, while mingled emotions
of joy and sorrow were manifest in their countenances. I requested to have
a private interview with them a few minutes, but this privilege was denied
me. |
Family plight |
I was then obliged to take my departure, but who can realize my feelings
which I experienced at that time; to be torn from my companion, and leaving
her surrounded with monsters in the shape of men, and my children too,
not knowing how their wants would be supplied; to be taken far from them
in order that my enemies might destroy me when they thought proper to do
so. My partner wept, my children clung to me and were only thrust from
me by the swords of the guard who guarded me. I felt overwhelmed while
I witnessed the scene, and could only recommend them to the care of that
God, whose kindness had followed me to the present time; and who alone
could protect them and deliver me from the hands of my enemies and restore
me to my family. |
Independence |
¶ |
I was then
taken back to the camp and then I with the rest of my brethren, viz: Sidney
Rigdon, Hyram Smith, Parley P. Pratt, Lyman Wight, Amasa Lyman, and George
W. Robinson, were removed to Independence, Jackson county. They did not
make known what their intention or designs were in taking us there; but
knowing that some of our most bitter enemies resided in that county, we
came to the conclusion that their design was to shoot us, which from the
testimony of others, I do think was a correct conclusion. |
Jail conditions |
While there, we were under the care of Generals Lucas and Wilson, we
had to find our own board, and had to sleep on the floor with nothing but
a mantle for our covering, and a stick of wood for our pillow. |
Richmond jail |
After remaining there a few days we were ordered by General Clark to
return; we were accordingly taken back as far as Richmond, and there we
were thrust into prison and our feet bound with fetters. |
Abuse |
While in Richmond, we were under the charge of Colonel Price from Chariton
county, who suffered all manner of abuse to be heaped upon us. During this
time my afflictions were great, and our situation was truly painful. |
Court of inquiry |
After remaining there a few days we were taken before the court of inquiry,
but were not prepared with witnesses, in consequence of the cruelty of
the mob, who threatened destruction to all who had any thing to say in
our favor: |
Witnesses threatened, intimidated |
but notwithstanding their threats there were a few who did not think
their lives dear so that they might testify to the truth, and in our behalf,
knowing we were unlawfully confined; but the court who was prejudiced against
us, would not suffer them to be examined according to law, but suffered
the State's Attorney to abuse them as he thought proper. |
Four months in Liberty jail |
We were then removed to Liberty jail in Clay county, and there kept in
close confinement in that place for more than four months. |
Habeas corpus denied
While there, we petitioued Judge Turnham for a writ of habeas corpus,
but on account of the predjudice of the jailor all communication was cut
off; at length however, we succeeded in getting a petition conveyed to
him, but for fourteen days we received no answer. We likewise petitioned
the other Judges but with no success. |
Judge refuses defense witnesses |
After the expiration of fourteen days Judge Turnham ordered us to appear
before him, we went and took a number of witnesses, which caused us considerable
expense and trouble; but he altogether refused to hear any of our witnesses. |
Defense attorneys refuse to act |
The lawyers which we had employed refused to act; being afraid of the
people. |
Prison |
This being the case, we of course could not succeed, and were consequently
remanded back to our prison house.— |
Friends visit
Disgusting food |
We were sometimes visited by our friends whose kindness and attention,
I shall ever remember with feelings of lively gratitude, but frequently
we were not suffered to have that privilege. Our vituals were of the coarsest
kind, and served up in a manner which was disgusting. |
Daviess trial |
We continued in this situation, bearing up under the injuries and cruelties
we suffered as well as we could, until we were removed to Daviess county,
where we were taken in order to be tried for the crimes with which we had
been charged. |
Grand jury indicts |
The grand jury (who were mostly intoxicated,) indicted us for treason, &c. &c. |
Change of venue to Boon county |
¶ |
While there, we got a change of venue to Boon county, and
were conducted on our way to that place by a strong guard. |
Guards drunk |
The second evening after our departure the guard got intoxicated, we
thought it a favorable opportunity to make our escape; knowing that the
only object of our enemies was our destruction; |
Shoal Creek massacre winked at |
and likewise knowing that a number of our brethren had been massacred
by them on Shoal creek, amongst whom were two children; and that they sought
every opportunity to abuse others who were left in that state; and that
they were never brought to an account for their barbarous proceedings,
but were winked at, and encouraged, by those in authority. |
Intend to escape |
We thought that it was necessary for us, inasmuch as we loved our lives,
and did not wish to die by the hand of murderers and assasins; and inasmuch,
as we loved our families and friends, to deliver ourselves from our enemies,
and from that land of tyrany and oppression, and again take our stand among
a people in whose bosoms dwell those feelings of republicanism and liberty
which gave rise to our nation:—Feelings which the inhabitants of
the state of Missouri were strangers to.— |
Escape |
Accordingly we took the advantage of the situation of our guard and took
our departure, and that night we travled a considerable distance. |
Quincy, Illinois |
We continued on our journey both by night and by day, and after suffering
much fatigue and hunger, I arrived in Quincy Illinois, amidst the congratulations
of my friends and the embraces of my family. |
No attempt to extradite |
¶ |
I have now resided in this neighborhood for several weeks
as it is known to thousands of the citizens of Illinois, as well as of
the State of Missouri, but the authorities of Mo., knowing that they had
no justice in their crusade against me, and the people with whom I was
associated, have not yet to my knowledge, taken the first step towards
having me arrested. |
¶ |
Amongst those who have been the
chief instruments, and leading characters, in the unparallelled persecutions
against the church of Latter Day Saints; the following stand conspicuous,
viz: Generals Clark, Wilson, and Lucas, Colonel Price, and Cornelius
Guilliam. Captain Bogart also, whose zeal in the cause of oppression
and injustice, was unequalled, and whose delight has been to rob, murder,
and spread devastation amongst the Saints. He stole a valuable horse,
saddle and bridle from me; which cost two hundred dollars, and then sold
the same to General Wilson. |
Wilson promised horse would be returned |
On understanding this I applied to General Wilson for the horse, who
assured me, upon the honor of a gentleman, and an officer, that I should
have the horse returned to me; but this promise has not been fulfilled. |
Governor's murderous purposes |
¶ |
All the threats, murders, and robberies which these, officers have been
guilty of, are entirely looked over by the Executive of the state; who,
to hide his own iniquity, must of course shield and protect those whom
he employed, to cary into effect his murderous purposes. |
Six months imprisonment
Sentenced to execution three times
¶ |
I was in their hands as a prisoner about six months,
but notwithstanding their determination to destroy me, with the rest of
my brethren who were with me; and although at three different times (as
I was informed) we were sentenced to be shot, without the least shadow
of law, (as we were not military men,) and had the time, and place appointed
for that purpose; |
Delivered |
yet, through the mercy of God, in answer to the prayers of the saints,
I have been preserved, and delivered out of their hands, and can again
enjoy the society of my friends and brethren, whom I love: and to whom
I feel united in bonds that are stronger than death: and in a state where
I believe the laws are respected, and whose citizens, are humane and charitable. |
Anxious, but … |
¶ |
During the time I was in the hands of my enemies; I must
say, that although I felt great anxiety, respecting my family and friends;
who were so inhumanly treated and abused; and who had to mourn the loss
of their husbands and children, who had been slain; and after having
been robbed of nearly all that they possessed be driven from their homes,
and forced to wander as strangers in a strange country, in order, that
they might save themselves and their little ones, from the destructions
they were threatened with in Missouri:
Calm, resigned
Trusts God |
yet, as far as I was concerned, I felt perfectly calm, and resigned to
the will of my heavenly Father. I knew my innocency, as well as that of
the saints; and that we had done nothing to deserve such treatment from
the hands of our oppressors: consequently, I could look to that God, who
has the hearts of all men in his hands, and who had saved me frequently
from the gates of death for deliverance: |
Assurance from the beginning |
and notwithstanding that every avenue of escape seemed to be entirely
closed, and death stared me in the face, and that my destruction was determined
upon, as far as man was concerned; yet, from my first entrance into the
camp, I felt an assurance, that I with my brethren and our families should
be delivered. |
Comforted by still small voice |
Yes, that still small voice, which has so often whispered consolation
to my soul, in the debth of sorrow and distress, bade me be of good cheer,
and promised deliverance, which gave me great comfort: and although the
heathen raged, and the people imagined vain things, yet the Lord of hosts,
the God of Jacob, was my refuge; and when I cried unto him in the day of
trouble, he delivered me; for which I call upon my soul, and all that is
within me, to bless and praise his holy name: For although I was "troubled
on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed, but not in dispair; persecuted,
but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed." |
Saints praise-worthy, courageous |
¶ |
The conduct of the saints under their accumulated wrongs and sufferings,
has been praise-worthy; their courage, in defending their brethren from
the ravages of mobs; their attachment to the cause of truth, under circumstances
the most trying and distressing, which humanity can possibly endure; their
love to each other; their readiness to afford assistance to me, and my
brethren who were confined in a dungeon; their sacrifices in leaving the
state of Missouri, and assisting the poor widows and orphans, and securing
them houses in a more hospitable land; all conspire to raise them in the
estimation of all good and virtuous men; and has secured them the favor
and approbation of Jehovah; and a name, as imperishable as eternity. And
their virtuous deeds, and heroic actions, while in defence of truth and
their brethren: will be fresh and blooming; when the names of their oppressors
shall either be entirely forgotten, or only remembered, for their barbarity
and cruelty. |
Friends remembered |
Their attention and affection to me, while in prison, will ever be remembered
by me; and when I have seen them thrust away, and abused by the jailor
and guard, when they came to do any kind offices, and to cheer our minds
while we were in the gloomy prison house, gave me feelings, which I cannot
describe, while those who wished to insult and abuse us, by their threats
and blasphemous language, were applauded and had every encouragement given
them. |
Martyrs |
¶ |
However, thank God, we have been delivered; and although, some of our
beloved brethren, have had to seal their testimony with their blood; and
have died martyrs to the cause of truth; yet, |
¶ |
Short, though bitter was their pain,
Everlasting is their joy. |
To be reunited soon |
¶ |
Let us not sorrow as "those without hope," the time is fast approaching,
when we shall see them again, and rejoice together, without being affraid
of wicked men: Yes, those who have slept in Christ, shall he bring with
him, when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and admired by all
those who believe: but to take vengeance upon his enemies, and all those
who obey not the gospel. At that time, the hearts of the widow and fatherless
shall be comforted, and every tear shall be wiped from of their faces. |
Jesus persecuted, predicted followers would be also
Persecution fulfills prophecy
¶ |
The trials they have had to pass through, shall work together for their
good, and prepare them for the society of those, who have come up out of
great tribulation; and have washed their robes, and made them white in
the blood of the Lamb. Marvel not then, if you are persecuted, but remember
the words of the Savior, "The servant is not above his Lord, if they have
persecuted, me, they will persecute you also;" and that all the afflictions
through which the saints have to pass, are in fulfillment of the words
of the prophets, which have spoken since the world began. |
Signs of the times |
We shall therfore do well to discern the signs of the times, as we pass
along, that the day of the Lord may not "overtake us as a thief in the
night." |
Persecution to be expected |
Afflictions, persecutions, imprisonments and deaths, we must expect according
to the scriptures, which tell us, that the blood of those whose souls were
under the alter, could not be avenged on them that dwell on the earth,
untill their brethren should be slain, as they were. |
¶ |
If these transactions had taken place among barbarrians, under the authority
of a despot; or in a nation, where a certain religion is established according
to law, and all others proscribed; then there might have been some shadow
of defence offered. |
Cradle of liberty
Revolutionary patriots |
But can we realize that in a land which is the cradle of Liberty and
equal rights, and where the voice of the conquerers, who had vanquished
our foes, had scarcely died away upon our ears, where we frequently mingled
with those who had stood amidst the "battle and the breeze," and whose
arms have been nerved in the defence of their country and liberty: whose
institutions are the theme of philosophers and poets, and held up to the
admiration of the whole civilized world. |
American tragedy |
In the midst of all these scenes, with which we were surrounded, a persecution,
the most unwarrantable, was commenced; and a tragedy, the most dreadful,
was enacted, by a large portion of the inhabitants, of one of those free
and independent States, which comprise this vast republic; and a deadly
blow was struck at the institutions, for which our Fathers had fought many
a hard battle, and for which, many a Patriot had shed his blood; and suddenly,
was heard, amidst the voice of joy and gratitude for our national liberty,
the voice of mourning, lamentation and woe. Yes, in this land, a mob, regardless
of those laws, for which so much blood had been spilled, dead to every
feeling of virtue and patriotism, which animated the bosom of freemen;
fell upon a people whose religious faith was different from their own;
and not only destroyed their homes, drove them away, and carried off their
property, but murderd many a free born son of America. |
Even Indians would pale |
A tragedy, which has no parrallel in modern, and hardly in ancient times;
even the face of the Red man would be ready to turn pale at the recital
of it. |
State guilty
Cry for vengeance |
¶ |
It would have been some consolation,
if the authorities of the State had been innocent in this affair, but
they are involved in the guilt thereof; and the blood of innocence, even
of children, cry for vengeance upon them.
No redress? |
I ask the citizens of this vast republic, whether such a state of things
is to be suffered to pass unnoticed, and the hearts of widows, orphans
and patriots, to be broken, and their wrongs left without redress? |
Appeal to Constitution
National consequences |
No! I invoke the genius of our constitution, I appeal to the patriotism
of Americans, to stop this unlawful and unholy procedure; and pray that
God may defend this nation from the dreadful effects of such outrages. |
No virtue? |
Is there not virtue in the body politic? |
Save the nation from ruin |
Will not the people rise up in their majesty, and with that promptitude
and zeal, which is so characterestic of them, discountenance such proceedings,
by bringing the offenders to that punishment which they so richly deserve;
and save the nation from that disgrace and ultimate ruin, which otherwise
must inevitably fall upon it? |
¶ |
Hyrum Smith's Far West
Expulsion from Missouri
Far West