Mormon History 1830-1844

Beliefs & Practices

Outrage in Jackson (2)
The Evening and the Morning Star article of December 1833 continues with a refuatation of Colonel McLelland's report that Jackson county citizens were innocent of any attack on Mormons and that Mormons ambushed a small party of citizens, killing two and seriously wounding two. Extracts from a Mormon correspondent, probably W. W. Phelps, provide a Mormon perspective.
Astonished by M'Lelland's denials We were not a little astonished on reading the remarks of the Herald upon the above letter, and the credence given to Mr. M'Lelland's statement of the outrage. Mr. M. is represented in the Herald as being a man of the most SUPERLATIVE honor, and utterly denies there having any thing transpired derogatory to the character of the inhabitants of that county toward their neighbors, the "Mormons" as they call them. He says that no houses belonging to our society were demolished by the people of that place, and that no maltreatment was shown whatever. This must be too bare-faced to be believed by any candid unprejudiced man. The very admission that our people were leaving the county is sufficient to show, that without some extraordinary occurrence they would not thus leave their houses, their homes, their property and their possessions in this late season of the year. He says that there never had been but one skirmish, and then the "Mormons" were the assailants. Would this Mr. M. be glad to make the people of the United States believe that there had been no unlawful proceedings by the citizens of Jackson county?
Destruction of the press This reminds us of a certain article published soon after the outrage commenced, which went considerably the rounds in the public prints, stating that the citizens of Jackson county very COOLLY and DELIBERATELY surrounded the office of "The Evening and the Morning Star," raised it to the foundation, SECURED the press, &c. and dispersed without doing any thing further, or offering abuse or violence to any man. When the fact was, the press was broken, and now lies in fragments opposite the ruins of the building, unless recently removed; the types and furniture of the office, scattered and destroyed; and, to add glory to their triumphant victory, they very COOLLY and DELIBERATELY seized two peaceable and inoffensive fellow-citizens, marched them up before the court house door, divested them of the more part of their wearing apparrel, and tarred and feathered them amid shouts of "Now call on your God to deliver you—pretty Jesus you worship," &c.
Tarred and feathered two   and, to add glory to their triumphant victory, they very COOLLY and DELIBERATELY seized two peaceable and inoffensive fellow-citizens, marched them up before the court house door, divested them of the more part of their wearing apparrel, and tarred and feathered them amid shouts of "Now call on your God to deliver you—pretty Jesus you worship," &c.    
Correspondents corroborate Hyde's statement Mr. M. says, that the "Mormons" have suffered no maltreatment; that only one skirmish has ensued, and then the Mob only acted on the defensive; that the firing on their part did not commence until after the "Mormons" had fired upon them, and that they only went in order to hold a consultation with them concerning their afore stipulated agreement to leave the county. But this is so far from being correct, that we can say, that we have received several communications from the SEAT OF WAR, and all corroborate the statement of brother Hyde, Capt. Gunsoles and his Clerk, that the firing commenced on the part of the Mob.    
Those who agreed to leave were in Independence   And farther, the individuals who entered into the stipulation to leave the county, were then in the town of Independence, or near there, and the said skirmish was some eight or ten miles west of that place.
Gilbert and Phelps in court for assault (trying to protect store)

They had agreed to leave the county
And we are authentically informed, that when the intelligence of the battle reached Independence, Breazeal and Linville were killed, and others wounded, that Mr. Gilbert, Phelps, and others of the society, were then in the court house on a trial, where they were charged with an assault, or false imprisonment; > and the excitement was such, that with difficulty they escaped massacre from the hands of an inhuman and lawless populace; that in open court a pistol was presented to the breast of Mr. G. but providentially missed fire, and that no notice was taken of the transaction. Mr. Gilbert, Phelps, and those individuals, or at least some of them, were those who agreed to leave the county, with whom Mr M. says, the Mob went to hold a consultation.
  others of the society: Isaac Morley, John Corrill
Sarcasm [119] We are not surprised, that men who are guilty of so flagrant a violation of the Constitution and laws of our country, should seek to screen themselves from justice, by false coloring those acts which cannot be hid; but for the name of a man of SUPERLATIVE honor, whose verasity is unimpeachable, & his integrity unquestionable, the truth of whose assertion is vouched for by the Editors of the Herald, to come before the public, we leave them to judge of the correctness of the statements of an eye witness, corroborated by the Capt. and Clerk of the S. B. Charleston, believing that no argument from us is needed, to show the design of such representations, as made by Mr. M.
Gilbert and others catch one rioter

Judge refuses to act

Gilbert charged with assault
It may be proper to say, that Mr G. and others were engaged in apprehending the individual who broke down the door of Mr. G. & Co.'s store, when their goods were taken out and scattered through the streets; but the Justice refusing to take any notice of the person, or act, he was accordingly permitted in turn to bring those individuals who apprehended him, before a court, where they were, when the report came of the above mentioned skirmish. <    
Introduction to extracts

Esaggeration to be expected

Nevertheless clear that Mormons have been expelled
We give a few extracts from certain letters showing the conduct of the Mob, since the destruction of the printing office. In an outrage of this magnitude, and the great excitement unavoidably raised in the minds of the sufferers, it can not but be expected, that exagerated reports will be put in circulation, and frequent misrepresentations made by both parties, by giving too much credence to rumors; but we can draw a decided conclusion from what information we have received, that the society have been forced from their own dwellings, and compelled to seek an asylum among strangers without means to procure the common necessaries of life.
Extract of a letter dated, "Independence, October 30, 1833.
Sunday Mormons declare they will defend themselves Dear brethren,—Through the mercy and aid of our heavenly Father we are yet alive; and we are very thankful for such a blessing. Since I last wrote we have been through a scene. We declared publicly a week a go last Sunday that we as a people should defend our lands and houses.
  week a go last Sunday: October 20
Monday mob leaders meet

Mormon orders strict not to be aggressors
  On Monday the mob, or at least some of the leaders began to move; strict orders were given with us not to be the aggressors—but to warn them not to come upon us, &c. and as court was to set on Monday, it was noised abroad that the leaders of the mob would be called upon to bind themselves to keep the peace. It was a solemn looking time. The mob had lost no time in sending rumors, and counselling; above fifty of them met on Saturday and voted to a hand to move the "mormons:"—They counselled and rode all day of Sunday. The great Monday came, but fewer people were seldom seen at a Circuit Court—No mob, but great threats.   Monday: October 28

Saturday: October 26
More Mormons arrive in previous week   A number of families arrived last week from Ohio, Indianna, and Missouri; some of whom were attacked by the leaders of the mob, but I believe they received no injury. Yours &c."   October 20–26
Mormons to act defensively only By the foregoing it can be seen, that our society were cautious not to act only in the defensive, which they were justified in doing. We give an extract of another communication, dated:
  "November 6, 1833.
Thursday 10–12 homes destroyed above Blue river, Hyrum Page and others whipped, beaten Dear brethren,—Since I last wrote we have had horrible times. When I returned from—behold the enemy had suddenly come upon our brethren above Blue, and had thrown down 10 or 12 houses, and nearly whipped some to death, among whom was H. Page.—This was done on Thursday night.—

October 31
¶ Outrage at Jackson (1)

Tuesday mob breaks doors, windows, vandalize store in Independence   On Tuesday night they commenced in Independence; broke all the windows of the brethren's houses in; broke open the doors of bro. Gilbert's store, strewed the goods in the streets.  

Tuesday is in error. The Tuesday after Thursday, October 31 is November 5, the day before this letter was written.

Orson Hyde letter of November 8 dates this Friday, November 1.
¶ Outrage at Jackson (1)

Saturday mob beat men at the Blue   Saturday night they fell upon the brethren at the Blue—nearly beat one to death! but one of Manship's sons was dangerously wounded with a rifle ball, they fled.   November 2
¶ Outrage at Jackson (1)
Monday battle at Blue river, casualties   On Monday about sun set a regular action was fought above Blue; we had 4 wounded—They had 5 wounded and killed; among the latter were Mr. Breazeal and Mr. Linville.   November 4

Tuesday mob of 300

Mormons agree to move
  From Friday till Tuesday after noon our brethren were under arms. On Tuesday the mob had about three hundred collected—Before any blood was shed we agreed to go away immediately.   Thursday, October 31 to Tuesday, November 5
Fleeing in all directions It is a horrid time, men, women and children are fleeing, or preparing to, in all directions, almost—We mean to try to settle in Van Buren county if possible, God only knows our lot.
  Yours &c.
  November 7, 1833.
Battle at the Blue Since I wrote yesterday morning, another horrid scene has transpired.—After our people agreed to leave the county and were dispersed from each other in a measure, a party of the mob went to the Blue, and began to whip, and, as I heard late last night, murder!
  ¶ Outrage at Jackson (1)
Going north to Clay county

Brethren hiding
All hopes of going to the south was given up last night, when it was resolved that we should be driven forthwith into Clay county. The brethren have been driven into the woods, and God only knows what will become of them. Women and children are flocking to Everett's and Hancock's Ferry. Our families will have to take the ground for a floor to-night if they get down in season to cross the Missouri. Yours in affliction, &c.
  November 14, 1833.
Saints scattered Since I last wrote, our brethren have been moving in every direction. It is impossible to say where many of them are.—
Lacking food   The situation of many is critical having nothing to buy food with, and having raised none the passed season.    
Crops, property destroyed   Great destruction is said to be making with the property left—such as corn, potatoes, household furniture, &c.    
Hated of all men   The Savior said, Blessed are ye when ye are hated of all men for my name's sake—and I think we have come to that.    
Can't describe   It is impossible to give you the information which requires a personal interview.    
Need food, clothing

  Now is the hour that tries our souls; yea, the souls of the saints: we want victuals and clothes, and we mean to be saved, even if we die—for life with the present prospect before us, is not very desirable! I shall give more general information in my next if I can obtain it.    
  In great tribulation,
  Yours, &c."
Oliver Cowdery commentary

Some killed
Amid the confusion unavoidably arising in calamities of this magnitude, as we previously remarked, it can not but be expected that many rumors will be afloat having very little foundation. But from the previous quotations it is plain to draw a conclusion, that lives have been sacrificed, some in attempting to gratify a spirit of outlaw, and persecution; and others in the defence of helpless innocence. Some statements were only drawn from report by the writer, and others from actual knowledge.
Houses destroyed

Refute M'Lelland
The fact, that houses were thrown down by the Mob, is authentically furnished us by verbal report, as well as by the extracts given. That the "Mormons suffered no maltreatment" from the Mob, is an assertion as difficult to substantiate, as to authentically prove that no dwellings were thrown down, no doors broken open, no merchandise thrown about the streets, neither a printing office leveled with the ground. And for any citizen of Jackson county to say, that no occurrence of this kind has transpired, we leave our friends to judge, whether he could be well informed in the common transactions of his own county; or whether he endeavored in any degree to misrepresent, thinking to turn the public mind from a just feeling of censure against the perpetration of a crime of this magnitude, that the actors might escape justice.
Number of killed exaggerated From the following extract we can draw something of an estimate of the number killed, up to the time when it was written. We have heard various accounts of the number slain on both sides, and these reports have frequently been exagerated. The account of the number killed in the last engagement, as inserted in the Herald, written by brother Hyde, was incorrect, and it will be seen from the article that it was only a report; consequently, he was not accountable for its correctness.
Innocents driven from homes

Lack necessities
But the calm deliberate spirit by which the following appears to have been indited, is sufficient to show that excitement did not agitate the mind of the author; though under such paineful circumstances it is to be expected, that a man of feeling, on the reflection, that innocent women and children, were driven from their peaceable homes by a lawless mob, and compelled to lodge upon the cold earth, under the open canopy, without having the means or power to administer to them in their necessities, would be required to call every power and faculty of the intellect into requisition, to keep it from burning with unjust indignation[.]
  [120] November 17, 1833.    
Mob destroys 10 homes

Dear brethren—I will give you a few particulars of our proceedings, and also of the rioters, as I have been able to collect them. Some forty or fifty of them in one night, demolished or unroofed ten houses of ours, above Blue.    
2 rioters captured   They came out again in the night and two of their number were taken, and that stopped their career that night.
One of mob injured   Again they fell upon the society at the Blue, and commenced firing upon them, which was returned by the society, and one of their men was shot through the thigh.    
Another battle   Again, they came out against the society above the Blue, a battle ensued in which some two or three of their men were killed, and a number wounded and shortly died, and others were wounded but are like to recover.    
Dibble likely to die, Barber killed, others wounded Brother Dibble was shot through the bowels and his case is considered doubtful; another by the name of Barber was wounded and has since died; five or six more were wounded but not mortally.
Capture one breaking into store   Another party had fallen upon the brethren in Independence and did considerable damage. We went against them, and took one man while in the act of breaking open the store.    
Judges refuses to do anything

Man countersues
  We had him before the magistrate but he refused to do any thing with him at that time. He then sued bro. G., myself and others for an assault; we were prisoners in the court house for trial when the news came of the battle above Blue.   It was Phelps and Gilbert who were in court. Phelps is likely the "myself" who writes this, and probably the other letters quoted in this article.
Mob tries to kill Gilbert and Phelps   The house being full they rushed upon us to kill us, but through the mercy of God we were preserved and not hurt:  
County anti-Mormon

Agree to leave
  we saw plainly that the whole county were enraged, and preparing for a general massacre the next day. We then thought it wisdom to stop the shedding of more blood; and by agreeing to leave immediately we saved many lives; in this we feel justified.    
Scattered   But we are literally in a scattered, miserable condition, not knowing what we shall be called to pass through next.    
Most faithful, some deny the faith   The brethren, generally bare it patiently and feel cheerful, trusting in God, and but few deny the faith—I will write more particulars hereafter, Yours, &c."    
Outrage (1) Errata
Outrage in Jackson County (1)
Expulsion from Jackson County
Jackson County

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