Mormon History 1830-1844

Beliefs & Practices

Solomon Humphrey (1776–[1834])
Baptist preacher from New York, visits Joseph in 1830, is baptized and ordained, proselytes, in Lucy's company to Kirtland, baptizes Uncle John and George A. Smith, veteran of Zion's Camp.
Born   September 23, 1775 in Canton, Hartford Co., Connecticut   Revelations, 78.
Born   September 23, 1775 (by subscription)
Died   September 1834 in Clay Co., Missouri   Revelations, 78.
Died   February 1835 in Clay Co., Missouri
Father   Solomon Humphrey   Revelations, 78;
Mother   Lucy Case   Revelations, 78;
Baptized and ordained [Summer–fall 1830:] Soon after uncle Joseph [Smith Sr.] returned home, Mr. Solomon Humphrey, a Baptist exhorter in Stockholm, being impressed with the truth of the Work, went to Manchester, Ontario, county, to see cousin Joseph, and was baptized and ordained an Elder; returned home and commenced preaching the word to the people, although constantly hissed at by the ministers of all denominations and their followers. We were also visited by Elder Joseph H. Wakefield, who, in connection with Elder Humphrey, baptized several in Stockholm and Matildaville, among whom were my mother's brothers, Asa and George Lyman, and my grandmother Philomela Lyman.   George A., 407.
Canal journey to Kirtland   [May [1], 1831:] Just before we shoved off from shore an Old Brother by the name of Humphrey came from Potsdam. He was brought into the church by Don C's preaching when he went with his father to Potsdam … [513] This brother was the oldest man in the church and I would have been glad {if he to have} if he had taken the management of the affairs of {th} for the company but he as well as Brother Hiram Page who was also with us entirely refused to do so saying that everything should be done just as Mother smith said and that I with my sons William and Carlos should have the entire dictation   Original: Humfry, Hyrum

Lucy, 512 (1844 draft). George A. Smith corrected Potsdam to Stockholm.
Elder   June [3]–[6], 1831 attends conference as an elder.   Minutes of June [3]–[6], 1831
Mission   June 6, 1831 called on a mission with Joseph H. Wakefield to the east (this is when most go to Missouri with Joseph).   ¶ D&C 52:35
Baptizes Uncle John   January 9, 1832 baptizes Uncle John Smith and ordains him with Joseph Wakefield.   George A., 423.
Confirms George A. Smith   September 10, 1832 confirms George A. Smith (son of Uncle John) in Potsdam, New York   George A., 438.
Mission   December 5, 1832 called on mission with Noah Packard.   Minutes of December 5, 1832
Zion's Camp One day a brother in the Camp, by the name of Solomon Humphrey, who was older than most of the brethren became very tired through traveling, and lay down on the prairie to rest. He soon fell asleep. At the time he dropped asleep he had his hat in his hand. When he awoke, he saw a rattlesnake coiled up between his hat and himself, and not more than a foot from his head. Just at this moment some of the brethren came up, and gathered around him saying "it is a rattlesnake, let us kill it"; but Brother Humphrey said, "no; I'll protect him; you shan't hurt him, for he and I have had a good nap together."
  "Biography: Joseph Smith, the Prophet," JI, 11, no. 21 (Nov. 1, 1876): 242.
Mission   August 7, 1834 paired with Solomon Wixon to preach in Clay County, Missouri.   Minutes of August 7, 1834
Death In Clay Co. Mo. Sept. last, Solomon Humphrey, aged about 56 years. He was an elder in the church of Latter day Saints and had done much good in the cause of our Lord.   "Obituary," MA, 1, no. 11 (Aug. 1835): 176. The paper was often late. Hence, though this is the August issue, it also contains the obituary of Mary Hill, who died "in this town on Tuesday, (the 1st of Sept.) after a lingering illness." The interpretation of "Sept. last" probably accounts for the discrepancy in death dates given by various sources.
Death Very few knew the old gentleman: he died in Missouri in 1835.   George A. Smith, August 2, 1857 discourse, JD 5:104.
Wife Ursula Andrews (b. 1776 in Farmington, Hartford Co., Connecticut)   Revelations, 78;
Children Luther   Revelations, 78.
Mills (b. in Stockholm, Saint Lawrence Co., New York)
Lewis (b. July 13, 1806 in Glover, Orleans Co., Vermont)
Luther (b Aug. 9, 1809 in Glover, Orleans Co., Vermont)
Ithural (b. Aug. 18, 1814 in Stockholm, Saint Lawrence Co., New York)

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