Revelation of April 28, 1834  
April 28, 1834, Kirtland
Division of the United Firm. Kirtland branch to keep $1000 for inheritances to be used when revealed.
Division of United Firm   Verily thus saith the Lord concerning the division and settlement of the United Firm.

Book of Commandments, Book C.
division: D&C 104

Keep $1000 for Kirtland branch inheritances   Let there be reserved three Thousand Dollars for the right and claim of the Firm in Kirtland for inheritances in due time, even when the Lord will;
To be used when revealed   and with this claim to be had in remembrance when the Lord Shall reveal it for a right of inheritance.
Branches free from each other   Ye are made free from the Firm of Zion and the Firm {of} in Zion is mad[e] free from the firm in Kirtland.
  Thus Saith the Lord. Amen
Copied by Orson Hyde   Copied from the original by Orson Hyde