Saints Without Halos: Contents

Introduction Introduction  
Part I From the Beginnings to the Great Basin  
Chapter 1 Newel Knight: Friend to the Prophet  
Chapter 2 Jonathan Hale: Preaching the Restored Gospel
Chapter 3 Lyman Wight: Wild Ram of the Mountains  
Chapter 4 Colonel Thomas L. Kane: A Friend in Need  
Chapter 5 Jean Baker: Gathering to Zion  
Part II Settling the West  
Chapter 6 Edwin Woolley: Bishop of the Thirteenth Ward  
Chapter 7 Charles L. Walker: Sage of Saint George  
Chapter 8 Lucy White Flake: Pioneering Utah and Arizona  
Chapter 9 Edward Bunker: Living the United Order  
Chapter 10 Lemuel H. Redd: Down the Chute to San Juan  
Part III The Twentieth Century  
  Chapter 11 Chauncey West: Nineteenth Century Teenager  
  Chapter 12 George F. Richards: A Link in the Chain  
  Chapter 13 Helen Sekaquaptewa: Traditions of the Fathers  
  Chapter 14 Ephraim and Edna Ericksen: The Philosopher and the Trail Builder  
  Chapter 15 Margrit Feh Lohner: Swiss Immigrant  
  Chapter 16 T. Edgar Lyon: Missionary, Educator, Historian  
Epilogue Epilogue