Palmyra Reflector: Gold Bible, No. 6

The Palmyra Reflector's six-part series titled "Gold Bible," ran from January 6, 1831 to March 19, 1831. The last installment focuses on alleged discrepancies in the accounts of the Three Witnesses: The plates were supposed to be so sacred that only Joseph could look at them, (but the witnesses say they did). David says he and Joseph found them lying on the ground; that the plates were secured by three small rings, and that they had been cut in half, then half sealed, the other half opening like a book. Martin says the plates had not been cut, but open and close like any other book.

Whitmer is spelled Whitmar in the original.

Discrepancies in stories of Three Witnesses   "There appears to be a great discrepancy," the article begins, "in the stories told by the famous three witnesses to the Gold Bible." "Gold Bible, No. 6." Palmyra Reflector, March 19, 1831, reproduced in Early Mormon Documents 2:248–250.
Gold plates 20 lbs.   First, it was said that the plates were written in reformed Egyptian on plates of gold estimated to weigh "something more than 20 lbs."
Only Joseph could see the plates and live

Smith and Harris gave out that no mortal save Jo could look upon it and live," and Martin declares that when he acted as scribe, "such was his fear of the Divine displeasure, that a screen (sheet) was suspended between the prophet and himself.

The screen is well attested. See Early Mormon Documents 2:248n55.
David: find book on ground

Joseph shows it to him for 30+ minutes

… [David] Whitmer relates that he was led by Smith into an open field, on his father's farm near Waterloo, when they found the book lying on the ground; Smith took it up and requested him to examine it, which he did for the space of half an hour or more, when he returned it to Smith, who placed it in its former position, alledging that the book was in the custody of another, intimating that some Divine agent would have it in safe keeping.

Other accounts of Whitmer's testimony include Oliver Cowdery, an angel and/or vision. ¶ David Whitmer

Book of plates 8" square David describes the plates as approximately 8" square, "whitish yellow" in color, plates the thickness of tin, secured at the back by three small rings of the same metal,
Sealed portion
… the leaves were divided equi-distant, between the back & edge, by cutting the plates in two parts, and united again with solder, so that the front might be opened, as it were by a hinge, while the back part remained stationary and immoveable, and in this manner remained to him and the other witnesses, a sealed book, which would not be revealed for ages to come, and that even the prophet himself was not as yet permitted to understand.
Unsealed portion characters  

On opening that portion of the book which was not secured by the seals, he discovered inscribed on the aforesaid plates, divers and wonderful characters, some of them large and some small …

Other apostles' accounts

Some of the other apostles give somewhat similar accounts, but varying in many particulars, according to their various powers of description.—

Note use of term apostle.
Martin: leaves not cut, some are sealed, but opens like other books  

[Martin] Harris, however, gives the lie to a very important part of Whitmer's relation, and [250] declares that the leaves or pages of the book are not cut, and a part of them sealed, but that it opens like any other book, from the edge to the back, the rings operating in the place of common binding.
